Chapter 2

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1 year and 9 Months Later:

It was December 24th and almost everyone was gathered in the kitchen. There was Henry, Veronica, Basil, Uncle Jake, Relda, Mr.Canis, Red, Hamstead and Bess, Snow and Billy, Daphne, Pinocchio, and even Puck had dropped in to have dinner for Christmas Eve. Everyone was in the middle of dinner when there was a knock on the door. Red walked over and opened it and looked shocked.

"Oh my goodness! Sabrina!" Red yelled excitedly.

"HI!" Sabrina giggled as she hugged Red and came into the room. Puck instinctively stood up and turned to the door. Puck was now around the physical age of 16 and he had officially grown into a very attractive young man. Sabrina was 16 herself, Daphne was 12, and Basil was 4 and a half. Pinocchio was even about the physical age of 14. Red was the physical age of Daphne and so the room didn't really have any real kids in it. It had one toddler and the rest were pretty much teenagers. Then there were the adults of course.

"Why are you alone?" Red asked in confusion.

"Oh well, James and Ethan both headed to their parents houses. I mean all three of us have been away for so long and we have already helped so many people that we decided to come back and try to get an education so we can help even more people out when we figure out our careers." Sabrina replied and then she walked into the room and everyone had their questions but they were waiting for Puck to say something. Red closed the door and then Sabrina saw Puck and looked a little awkward.

"Look, how I left wasn't right." Sabrina started to speak and Puck shockingly agreed.

"Yeah, but in your defense I shouldn't have left you the way I did either, even if it was only for a couple of days. I should have told you about the plot, and if your curious, we have officially taken care of everyone who had played a part in the plot. I am proud to say with the Government that you built we are now a Scarlet Hand Free Community." Puck said proudly.

"Well that's great." Sabrina said but the two were still kind of awkward because they both wanted to ask a very uncomfortable question and the silence in the room didn't really help the situation. Then they asked at the same time.

"So are you dating anyone?" Puck and Sabrina both asked and then the two kind of awkwardly looked at the ground and let out a couple of laughs. After a moment Sabrina started to talk first.

"I mean, if you're asking about my relationship with the Anderson boys then my answer would be that it's been pretty much nonexistent. They are both friends. However there was a period of time in the beginning where they both were trying to date me but after a while we established a true friendship. Also I have been all around the world so I haven't really had time to stop and date anyone. I mean, I have officially finished one of my journals and I started to write in a new one." Sabrina said as she pulled out a very full journal that was slightly worn. Then she pulled out a brand new journal. "We really only stay in one place for the length of a single mystery which is typically no longer than a week. It's been quite an interesting journey and I have tried not to make too many attachments. But I met The Little Mermaid and Eric's daughter that ran away from the Little Mermaid. Her name is Melody and she's really sweet. She owns a trinket shop and sells a bunch of antiques in Germany. I also met Wendy from Peter Pan's story. Wendy owns a book store in London. I have so many stories that I couldn't possibly tell them all in one night." Sabrina sighed and then she looked to Puck. "How about you? Any luck in the girlfriend department?"

"No. Not at all. Unless you call handling an appeal for Moth's release, a relationship issue. Well, she wasn't approved by anyone so she's still in jail. Not that I have any feelings for her, because I still hate her." Puck explained and he couldn't help but smile at how beautiful Sabrina had become. But he could definitely tell that something was slightly off about Sabrina. Daphne walked over to Sabrina.

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