Chapter 5

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December 24th,

Puck and I are headed over to Daphne's house for Christmas. Well, it's Granny's house but Daphne has been taking care of it ever since Red and Mr.Canis moved into their own house. This will be the 8th Christmas without Granny this year. We all miss her but it's getting easier. Basil turns 15 this year which is really exciting. Maybe he will stop being so lazy by the time his birthday comes around...that'll probably only happen when pigs fly. Then again Hamstead and Bess's boys have rocket packs, so I guess it's possible.

Puck and I have been dating for 2 years now. It's nice to have him support me the way he does. During the weekends when I am off, I am on Princess Duty, and during the weekdays I am on Attorney Duty. Puck agreed to it full heartedly...shocker right? Titania loves what I bring to the kingdom, she tells me pretty much every chance she see's me. I am definitely content with being a Grimm and a Princess. For once in my life I am completely satisfied. Puck and I aren't in a rush to get married because I am practically queen now so it doesn't matter.

I'll write more soon. Until then, I have a party to go to.

Sabrina closed her journal as Puck drove the car.

"Done already?" Puck let out a laugh.

"Yeah, not much to write about just yet." Sabrina replied.

"Don't be too sure about that. We ARE going to Ferryport Landing, the home of chaos. You might get roped into another mystery." Puck joked.

"To be honest, I wouldn't be opposed to solving a mystery. I do it every day at work anyways." Sabrina replied.

"So do I." Puck added. Sabrina tilted her head towards him and looked at him curiously.

"What are you even talking about?" Sabrina asked.

"Well problems occur every day in Faerie. I have to figure out the best way to address it and I have to figure out who committed crimes because you know how terrible our police are at doing their jobs. I guess they aren't really mysteries but you and I both do our fair share of problem solving." Puck replied as he turned into Ferryport Landing. The town that had once been gloomy and boring, had been turned into a happy and oddly exciting town. Sabrina and Puck pulled into the very long driveway and could see trouble brewing in the front yard. Their Uncle Jake had a girl with blonde hair beside him that Sabrina didn't recognize and Henry and Mr.Canis were yelling at him. Daphne was leaning on the doorway sadly with an apron on. Puck stopped the car halfway down the driveway as he gasped.

"What?" Sabrina asked but Puck didn't answer. He got out of the car and walked over to Jake and pushed him away from the blonde girl beside him. The girl looked shocked when she saw Puck. Sabrina got out of the car as she smelt something fishy.

"What are you doing here?!" Puck yelled at the girl.

"Look, Jake and I have been dating for a year and a half now, but now I get why everyone is so upset. Why the hell didn't YOU come back?! You and I were supposed to be married!" The girl yelled.

"WHAT?!" Sabrina yelled but Puck didn't look to her.

"I couldn't come back because my father wanted me to marry Moth and when I refused I was kicked out of the kingdom. I was flying TO come back to you and I flew strait through the barrier of Ferryport Landing and I got stuck here for 15 years!" Puck snapped at the girl.

"You always WERE useless." The girl said as she rolled her eyes at Puck.

"Why are you dating him?! You vowed to hate humans for the rest of your life, what made you change your mind?" Puck wanted an answer.

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