Chapter 6

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January 1st

I'm on my way back to the kingdom with Puck and I am officially his fiancé. PUCK PROPOSED! We were surrounded by our family and friends and it couldn't have been a more perfect moment. On other news Daphne is dating Pinocchio now! Who would have thought that those two would be the ones to get together!? I mean, not to be rude or anything but Pinocchio used to be quite the pain in the butt back in the day. He was so spoiled and awful and he was more lazy than Puck which everyone thought was impossible. I guess Pinocchio did volunteer to take Daphne to my reception for being a Royal Guard and all, but I didn't realize that he was in love with her.

However, I think Puck might be hiding something from me. He's been acting very strangely recently. Ever since we headed to Ferryport Landing he's been weird. At first I thought it was because he was going to propose to me, but he looks at me very differently like he knows something is going to happen. Hopefully I can figure out what is going on with him. ALSO it turns out that his sister Celenia IS STILL ALIVE!!!!! Not only is she alive but she and her family are moving back into Faerie. Titania was shocked to hear the news but to be honest I don't think she fully believes it yet.

I'm really worried that today is going to go terribly wrong. Something about the way he's acting freaks me out. Earlier this morning I got a phone call from my friend who works in the NYPD, and she said that Mustardseed escaped two months ago, but no one has seen him. Also, when I looked at Puck's sword this morning.....yes I was snooping in my own fiance's stuff, but he's being weird and I'm glad that I did look in it because guess what..... there was BLOOD on it. Not a lot, but enough to show that he attacked someone, and I am determined to find out what is going on with him. Wish me luck on that one, Puck has kind of always been a challenge for me. He's hard to understand, and if he wants to hide something he's really good at it. I mean he hid the fact that he had a sister for 10 years.

We are almost to Faerie, so I guess I will write again soon. Until then, Madame Grimm, Princess Sabrina, Protector of the Realm, Fairytale Detective reporting for duty.

Sabrina closed her journal and noticed that Puck was in deep thought.

"Ok, can I ask you something?" Sabrina couldn't help but blurt out but Puck didn't answer, he seemed like he was really thinking. Then Sabrina noticed that Puck was starting to drive into the other lane and she reached over and grabbed the wheel and pulled them back onto the other side and Puck snapped out of it.

"Ok, that's it! It's been a week since we got engaged, and you are acting very weird. What is going on? It started when we went to Ferryport, now spill!" Sabrina snapped and Puck wasn't sure what to say.

"Sabrina I don't want to talk about what happened, I don't want everyone freaking out." Puck sighed.

"Puck, you have blood on your sword, Mustardseed broke out of jail over two months ago and you are acting like your trying to hide something. WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Sabrina yelled. Puck knew his act was up.

"Sabrina, The way things went the day we got engaged were not how things were supposed to go." Puck sighed and Sabrina caught the drift that Puck may have done something serious.

"What did you do?" Sabrina said in a very serious tone.

"Look it's a complicated and long story, are you sure you want to know what I did?" Puck asked and Sabrina looked unsure, but she knew that she needed to know.

"Yes." Sabrina replied.

"Ok, but you can't ask questions till the end." Puck sighed.........

Sabrina sat there as Puck continued to drive. They had been silent for a good fifteen minutes.

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