A Child - Rosemary I

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Rosemary, an only child with a single mother, puts herself against the outside wall of the tavern. She takes this moment to process all the difficulty and trouble she's having recently. She notices Androw and Mirk staring at her through a window; she tries to block them out, so she just looks all the way to her left.

Rosemary's father died in the Rebellion, near the end of its first year, and their family haven't stopped grieving. He was a kind and strong-willed man, who had a lot of pride; but when he was put into the battlefield, he struggled to survive. His family can never forget his strength and honour him as much as they can.

Whilst looking to her left, Rosemary notices her mother. Her mother approaches her, "Rosemary, dear. Your friend, I can't remember her name, but... she needs you. She has somethin' to tell you." Her mother informs her and the two head off.

Rosemary and her mother reach one of Rosemary's friends home. "Gill, what is it?" Rosemary questions her friend, as she rests on her bed. She leans up and smiles when she sees Rosemary and her mother. Two of their other friends (Selyse and Mareen) are there also.

"Please, do not tell a soul... I'm pregnant! You can't tell anyone, promise me this." Gill pleads Rosemary not to tell. "I swear by all the Gods that I shall never speak of this. Might I ask, who is the father?"

"That's the problem. I haven't an idea. I don't even remember fucking a man in ages!" Gill answers her.

Later, Rosemary and her mother are in their home. Rosemary is staring at her father's sword and shield that he died with in the battlefield. "I couldn't tell you a single man whom caused this. Do you have any idea, mother?" Rosemary asks her mother, still looking at the sword and shield. "I couldn't even remember the girl's name; do you expect me to know the father, too?" Her mother replies rhetorically.

"Of course not," Rosemary answers and turns around to see her mother. "I miss father." She states, looking up at her mother in sorrow.

"We all do, but no one as much as you do," Rosemary's mother strokes her daughter's cheek and hugs her lovingly.

Rosemary goes back to check on her friends and Gill. She knocks on the tough door to Gill's room. "I just wanted to check up on Gill, again," Rosemary says as she enters the room.

"You can stay... if you want," Gill suggests, wanting her friend to stay with her.

"I'd like that, yeah," Rosemary replies and sits down at the end of the bed, next to Mareen. Selyse is on a chair, sleeping. Selyse is know for her laziness and being tired very often.

"We were in the tavern a few weeks back. Anyone there that you think did this to you?" Rosemary questions Gill, making her remember that night.

"Yeah, we lef' 'er for a bi', didn't we?" Mareen remembers and reminds them that Gill was left on her own for a while.

"Shit, yeah! It must have happened then," Gill guesses.

"Who was there that night?" Rosemary asks the two of them. They think for a while, however they can't remember everyone there that night. They were only focused on each other and not the others in the tavern. "Selyse ought to remember," Rosemary suggests, so the the three attempt to wake her up.

"Wha-... What is it?" Selyse says as she wakes up from being slapped on the cheek by three other women.

"Remember that night a few weeks back, when we were all in the tavern?" Rosemary asks Selyse, whom is still very tired and rubs her eyes. She stops for a moment and thinks, "Yeah, good times, huh?" She replies.

"Do you remember any man there that could've got Gill pregnant?" Rosemary continues questioning her.

"Lucia and his friends were there that night. Lucia wanted to talk to Rosemary, I remember that," Selyse says, causing Mareen to giggle.

"Lucia seriously loves you, Rosie!" Mareen states.

"Let's just stay focused on the father of this bloody baby," Gill interrupts and gets back on topic.

"Why don't you ask one of them?" Selyse suggests for them. "It's okay, I'll stay here with Gill. You two can go off."

"Alright, but don't fall asleep, again," Rosemary warns her and her and Mareen go off to find Androw, Mirk and Luciara.

Rosemary and Mareen find Androw leaving the Stark's home after he gave Lucia to Lord Eddard. "Hey, Androw?" Rosemary approaches him.

"Yeah. What is it?" He asks the two.

"Remember that night in the tavern a few weeks back, where everybody was celebrating, or something. I don't even remember it that well, so-" Rosemary starts explaining.

"Yeah, yeah. I remember. What about it?"

"Erm... When we left... who was left with Gill, because I know Lucia tried following me back and I know this... occurrence wasn't you?"

"Mirk started talking to her; I had an errand to run, so I don't what happened after. Why? What's that got to do with anything?" Androw asks her, however Rosemary thanks him for the information and her and Mareen take off.

"Do you thin' Mirk did it, then?" Mareen asks her.

"Who else?" Rosemary answers rhetorically and the two walk back to Gill's home to tell her what they've found out...

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