Conflict - Luciara V

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Luciara awakes to sound of a thousand feet stomping heavily on the ground. He moves hastily to get a view of what is disturbing his and everyone else's sleep. Androw, also awoken by the raucous movement, joins Lucia. "I see you are woken, too. A million guesses and then I might have found our answer to it (!)" Lucia jokes. "But what is it, hmm? I wonder. Just who or what is making this disturbance?" Lucia continues. He looks to Androw. His face pale and complete with woe; having obviously unmanaged much sleep. Androw remains silent. "And I second your silence, friend."

He witnesses not a thousand, but, to his count, eighteen instead. "Ironborn..." Androw mutters. "We better make haste. Can't be seen here. They'll kill us all and them inside, too."
"But Bran and Rickon - my cousins - they're in there. They can't protect themselves..." Their conversation is interrupted by a figure dashing towards them. Luciara arms himself, Androw also. A familiar face finds the two. One they haven't seen in a little time, though do recognise.

"Mirk, what the fuck are you doing here?" Lucia questions.
"Listen, I haven't much time, so pay attention: I got caught up with some Wildling's and they too' me captive until I killed their strongest man, or so they said he was, and escaped freely. Or so I thought... Their leader, some kid, wanted me back. I ran off. And then I found myself behind a crew of Ironborn led by Theon fucking Greyjoy 'imself! I escaped them, too. Please, take me back. I need ya," Mirk pleads. Plenty of sweat rushing down his head. He looks to the two. Both former friends. Hopefully friends still.
"Fine, whatever, come on," Lucia says and allows him to rejoin them.

The three friends make their way back to the rest of the cowards and explain what they saw. "Then why are we still sitting here?" Rosemary questions. "We must run once more. It's no longer safe anywhere near Winterfell if Ironborn and Wildlings are around." "Which is exactly why we are running off," Lucia answers. And they soon gather their belongings and whatever else they need with them for their journey and venture onwards. They scarcely hear the screams being echoed throughout Winterfell whilst it is being sacked. "We left in time," Rosemary says to Lucia. "We sure did." He puts an arm around his beloved for both of their comfort.

After some time on adventuring, the gang of Wildlings eventually catch up to them. "Nice going, Mirk. You really screwed up this time," Selyse remarks. Mirk mouths 'fuck off' to her in response.

The kid leader walks up to them, "Who leads this party? I wish his or her audience."
"Who's this smart-mouth talking little cunt, Mirk?" Luciara asks.
"I'm Saulmund, this is my sister Seramund and my friends are behind me. You?"
"Luciara Stark of Winterfell. I was the nephew to the late Lord Eddard and cousin to Robb, the King in the North along with his brothers and sisters. It's a pleasure meeting you. Really," Lucia answers, drawing his sword. "Because we were just about to have a good old kerfuffle ourselves. At least you and your whore sister are here to challenge us and daring bravery. Do you, good ser, wish to fight me? For I am unbeaten," Lucia gets carried away. 'Unbeaten only because I've never had a single fight in my life,' Lucia says to himself.

Behind Saulmund, Lucia hears the Wildlings making raucous comments and cheering on for a fight. "Less talk and more bloodshed!" he hears a female Wildling speak out. "Your people are getting angry, good ser. Oh, the least thing I want is for you and your friends to fall out, truly. That would be plain awful," Lucia sarcastically taunts.

"I only came here for Mirk. We need him back. Our numbers are fewer and need the help," Saulmund turns down the battle.
"Shame," Lucia says. "I would have loved removing that smart-talking head of yours from your pretty little neck." Luciara knows how to win over Wildlings; the stronger the man, the better. However, there isn't a chance in all the Seven Hells that Luciara could win over Wildlings from Wildlings; he's a kneeler. A man of the Seven Kingdoms. The King-Beyond-the-Wall saw to the likes of Lucia are to be removed.

"Well, you ain't havin' me. I will not step a single foot closer to you pricks," Mirk responds.
"Come back to us or we will slaughter you and your friends. I'll see to it myself," Saulmund replies.
"Choose the smarter option," Seramund adds. Luciara knows that the twins will not and can not fight them as much as Lucia and others shan't return that fight. 'We have Mirk that's already removed one member of them; their best man apparently. There's also Ser Duncan. Androw and I could possibly stand to fight at least a couple. Surely the others could assist, too,' Lucia ponders on how it could unravel.

Not having to make the first move, one Wildling marches out to kill one of them. Androw Lucia thinks. But it all happened so fast that Lucia didn't quite see what happened. First the man ran over to them, waving his sword, the next moment is that of the man cold dead beneath Androw holding a bloody sword. Battle has started. Luciara already had his weapon out. He commands Rosemary to take cover and to protect her friends and mother.

Saulmund and Seramund cower away from the fight, while their companions rush past them. Mirk takes out a dagger, Ser Duncan a longsword and the bartender a cleaver. A rather robust Wildling approaches Luciara and swings for an attack. Lucia steps back, filled with rage and fear. He points his longsword out in front of him and it gets knocked out of his hands with the man's second blow. His would've been his death, if not for the knife that penetrated the back of his neck.

After his dying falls to the ground, blood everywhere, Lucia looks to see his hero, or rather heroine: Rosemary. "Thank you, my love," he says and kisses her, however it is quick; there is a fight to be had.

The bartender weakens a Wilding, but unfortunately the Wildling is too much for him and he stabs the man right into his heart. The bartender falls to the ground, dead. Androw had killed another and was on his way to save the man, but was too late. Androw does manage, however, to quickly avenge their friend and companion.

Luciara steps up behind the female Wildling that spoke out and is battling away with Ser Duncan, who has her in an awkward position to his advantage, and thrusts his sword through her neck. In and out both ends as fast as lightning. She collapses. Lucia had never killed a person before.

Mirk steps up behind Luciara and puts his dagger to his throat, "I just wanted to run away and for us to be friends again. Why the fuck did you challenge them assholes?" he asks. Luciara struggles to get out and Ser Duncan is fighting the last two Wildlings. "Get off me!" Lucia screams.

Mirk presses the blade into Luciara, causing his neck to bleed a little. "I just wanted to be free. To do what I wanted. And now you've robbed me of that chance. Them Wildlings are gonna kill us all-"
"There're only two left, excluding the kid and his sister. What are you on about?"
"They have reduced our numbers."
"By three, you twat. Get off me!" Lucia repeats. Mirk releases him. Lucia pushes him to the ground and punches him in the face, causing him to go unconscious.

The group ganged up on the last Wildlings and they were defeated. Saulmund and Seramund admit defeat and wish to be left alive and stay with them. They tell them their story until Lucia quiets them: "Will somebody... tie up Mirk. He's our hostage along with these Wilding twins." Ser Duncan ties up Mirk and the twins.

"Now, let's continue our journey before we were so rudely interrupted, eh?" Lucia jokes, becoming the witty man once more. Although, now having killed someone, Luciara sees himself as a changed man. And is still completely changing into this new man. He doesn't want to become this, however realises it's what he must do in order to keep the rest of his friends alive and safe.

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