Falling Apart - Luciara III

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Luciara Stark is on his way to find Androw to question him about the secret that was nearly spilled and involved his crush: Rosemary. He finds Androw talking with Robb, his cousin, Lord of Winterfell after Eddard. "Hello Androw. And hello Robb!" Luciara says, sarcastically. "What we're the two of talking about? It must have been pretty dull, because I see that wasn't a part of your conversation," Lucia continues, being facetious. "Stop trying to be funny, funny cousin." Robb replies to him, using his old nickname 'funny cousin' that he had Eddard's other children also used at times. "Anyway, Androw I need to speak with you. Please." Luciara asks to be with his friend for a moment. "I'll leave you two to it, then. Perhaps I'll speak with Bran, or Theon. I hear they are better conversationalists than you, funny cousin." Robb says, being sarcastic for Lucia and then leaves the two.

"Oh, Luciara. You never cease to amaze me with your amusement. What is it, anyway?" Androw asks him. Lucia checks to see if there's anyone around who might listen in on them, "What was it that you were bringing up yesterday. Involving Rosemary and which must be kept secret, allegedly." Lucia questions Androw.

"I believe that Mirk may have done something. He was left alone with Gill for a night, when you went chasing after Rosemary... drunk. And now it appears that Gill has become pregnant. Mirk is the only who could've done it." Androw explains to him.

"He didn't rape her, did he?" Lucia asks concerned.

"I wouldn't think so. Mirk is an asshole, but he's no rapist. Or a murderer. I don't think he could pull off a murder, either." Androw answers, unknowing what Mirk had recently done.

Later that day, Luciara goes to find Rosemary. He finds her exiting her home, "Rosemary. Rosemary!" He calls out to her. "Oh, hey, Lucia," she answers his shout. "Androw told me about Gill. Don't worry about it; you can trust him. I asked out of curiosity. Although, he did bring it up the other day, but please don't blame him, Rosemary. I just want to know if you can trust me, and that I give Gill all the best." Luciara explains to her. 

"I feel a bit betrayed, honestly. I hoped that Androw wouldn't have told anyone about our private conversation. And you shouldn't have probably asked, even when curiosity got the best of you. I know you love me, Lucia." Rosemary replies, then shocking Lucia with some information.

"Wha-... How?" Luciara questions, stuttering. Befuddled to how she knows about his love for her.

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? Chasing after me; staring at me at times; my friends also pointing out that it is pretty obvious." Rosemary notifies Lucia of how obvious it was.

"Do you, er... Do you accept it, then?" He asks, concerned and fearing the answer.

"Probably not, sorry. But if it helps... I'll consider it," she replies. Lucia fakes a smile weakly, as she gives him an assuring smile on her perfect face. She gracefully leaves him. Lucia stands there for a few moments, distraught. Then he hears shouting and arguing from two men...

"You obviously fucking killed father. Not many others held a grudge against him, and those others wouldn't murder him!" Mirk's older brother shouts in his face. "Why would I kill my own father?" Mirk asks him, denying the murder. "Because you hated him. You always had and now you've killed him!" His brother answers. Mirk's younger brother approaches them with a woman. The woman is the one who was almost raped, but then saved by Mirk, who also killed the rapist. 

"Robert, this woman says Mirk killed someone else as well," Mirk's younger brother says to the older brother. "Why aren't you defending me?" Mirk questions his younger brother. "Because you murdered father!" He exclaims in his face.

Through the commotion, Androw arrives as well. He stands by Lucia, "What's happening?" Androw asks. "Apparently Mirk killed his father and now Mirk's arguing with his his brothers." Lucia answers his friend. "Well, that's nothing new there, really," Androw jokes. They continue to watch this unravel.

"Mirk, be honest: did you kill father or not?" Robert asks him more seriously than shouting. "Yeah. Yes, I fucking did! And I'd probably not hesitate to do so again!" Mirk confesses, showing his hatred towards his father. "He saved me from being raped, and though he killed the rapist, he did save me. Punish 'im however it needs be, but keep in mind that he stopped a raper." The woman says, trying help Mirk's cause for future.

"I see Luciara Stark and Androw Hearth have nothing to say on this matter," Mirk points out that his friends weren't there to defend him. "And what were we supposed to do, Mirk Billsmith?" Androw answers, using his full name, like he did them. "Step in. Per'aps tell 'em that I ain't capable of murder." Mirk suggests how they could have helped him.

"You clearly are, though," Lucia points out. "Only now. Only after what my bastard father did." Mirk replies. "So, why even kill him, brother?" Robert asks him. "There is this one reason: he's a cunt." Mirk answers his brother, being disrespectful of his deceased father.

"Fuck you, Mirk!" Robert exclaims and punches him in the face. Mirk retaliates by punching him several times in the stomach and chest. Robert pushes him away. Mirk goes forward to hit his brother again, but Robert catches him and trips him up by putting his foot behind his leg and pushing him. Robert gets on top of his brother and punches him in the face. Mirk pushes his brother off of him and starts punching him in the face. Mirk then gets up and then attempts to break his rib cage by smashing his foot down on it, however their younger brother tackles Mirk to the ground!

"Stop fighting, please!" Their younger brother pleads them. Mirk gets up, "Fuck this. I'm gonna go. Lucia, you still wanna round up them cowards and fuck off?" He asks him. "I can't, no. I have to stay here and protect my family." Luciara answers, sticking to his promise. However, he then remembers that his aunt Catelyn told him to keep his friends safe, too. He feels he is put in a dilemma and doesn't know if he should help Mirk. But Mirk is too far gone, now. He cannot help him, he decides. "I'm sorry, Mirk, I just can't go with you." Luciara says.

"Oh, alright. Fuck you too, then! Androw... I won't even bother askin' you." Mirk states and then rushes off, leaving Winterfell. "Is he leaving Winterfell?" Androw questions Lucia. "It sure looks it," Lucia responds.

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