Planning - Luciara IV

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After having heard the sudden news about Lord Eddard's death, Lucia now sets out to help Bran keeping Winterfell under control. Although, he has another idea: with Mirk gone, reminding him that Lucia himself stated he wants to leave Winterfell and start anew with his friends, he starts planning on leaving. Luciara gathers a map of the areas around their secluded, peaceful home of Winterfell.

Maester Luwin finds him taking the map, "I know that you know every geographical location and every House of all the Seven Kingdoms, so do you mind me asking why you need the map of Westeros?" He asks him. "I do mind, Maester Luwin, but answering to you I have no fear. You always know what is best. With the whole country going at war, and many people calling themselves King, I find myself rather having no part in it. Also, I was born with the wrong name, making me more of a target against the wrong kind of people." Lucia explains himself.

"I do know what is best, and for you I know that it should be best of you stay here. Stay at your home. Your father never wanted to leave when the Rebellion started, but he followed his brother into war all the same. Yes, he died, but he went knowing what was for the best cause. Ned always liked reminding to make your own choices, however I have come to see that your choices are not for the best cause. I understand your fear of staying here, but I ask that you consider it." And he leaves Lucia with that thought and choice of leaving or staying.

Later, when Bran is being requested by men of Winterell by all sorts of different things, such as boys to work on the farm, Lucia sits beside Maester Luwin on the far side of the table. Lucia takes no interest in any of this, he, instead, reads the map and tries to find appropriate places to take refuge. After the man has finished with Bran, Maester Luwin attempts to get Luciara's attention by tapping his arm. "Yes?" Lucia asks. "Stop reading the map and help your cousin," Maester Luwin orders him. "Do you need for something Brandon? Anything at all, or do you think you can manage without your drunk cousin?" Lucia asks, manipulating him into thinking that he won't need him.

"I can probably do without you, but you're older and wiser," Bran remarks. "The latter, I'm afraid, I am not, Bran. Older, yes, but not by too much. Besides, you have Maester Luwin here for oldness. And for the younger ages you have Rickon. Unless there is a request about improving the tavern, I have no means of being here anymore." Lucia informs him, looking straight at Bran and waiting for an answer. "So... does that mean you can go...?" Bran guesses. "I should only hope," Lucia replies.

Maester Luwin looks at him sorrowfully, as if Luciara is a failed person. "If you don't want to be here Luciara, then don't stay and make a fuss." He states, and with that, Lucia gets up with the map and exits their home, whilst more people enter, requesting things off Bran, the now Lord of Winterfell.

Luciara goes to his second home: the tavern. "No drinks, as I'm sure you are aware, my friend, just visiting, as I may have ruined my relationship between Maester Luwin and Bran." Lucia explains to the bartender, while sitting down. He puts the map down in front of him. He reads and stares, but still does not know where to leave for. Perhaps a farm for a short time, perhaps in the forests. Or maybe somewhere where the hosts and people don't even know the name 'Stark'. He would have to travel all the way to Essos for that. Or Braavos. The bartender notices him reading the map intently, and, as any man curious enough would, asks him: "What are you doing, Lucia?"

"Reading; I thought that was obvious," Luciara sarcastically replies. "Fine, how about this: why are you reading the map, Lucia? What are you looking for?" The bartender asks him more specifically, to Lucia's standard. "I am looking for a place to stay, after I have fled Winterfell. No where is safe anymore. It doesn't need the smartest man in Westeros to figure that out. I can't stay here in Winterfell, not with the name 'Stark'. I want to take myself, Androw, preferably Rosemary too, and anyone else that wishes to join me to leave Winterfell before it is attacked or anything." Luciara explains himself now to the bartender.

"I understand and agree with you. Whenever you decide to leave, make sure to notify me; I'll join you. I'll take some barrels of ale and wine for the journey to wherever. I'll stay with ya, Lord." He agrees to accompany him. Lucia smiles; he is certain that one person can join him. "Better save a lot of those barrels for the journey, then," Lucia states. They both chuckle.

After a couple minutes, Luciara leaves the tavern. He notices Rosemary walking along. He wishes that she can accept his love; both of them have never even loved before. Lucia is uncertain if he should at least say 'hello' to her, or just return home...

Upon returning home, Lucia encounters Rickon. Rickon is playful, and generally doesn't understand much of what is always going on. With his father, Lord Eddard, dead, Lucia would not expect him to be as content. "Hello, Lucia," Rickon gladly says. "How are you doing, little Lord?" Luciara asks him seriously. "Well, I guess. Father is dead, but... Robb and mother are at war still. So we have to stay here and protect Winterfell, right?" Rickon presumes, going by how 'there must always be a Stark at Winterfell'.

"That's right, cousin. You must stay here and protect your brother. He needs you more than it might seem," Lucia informs him.

"And you'll stay to protect us both?" Rickon questions Lucia, unbeknownst to him that Lucia plans on abandoning them.

"I don't know. I know it's wrong to leave you guys, but it can't always be safe, especially not with the war. How I wish you and your brother could accompany me, however it's more dangerous elsewhere. You have Maester Luwin, Hodor, and that Wildling, er... Osha. You'll be fine, even when I'm not around." Luciara explains to Rickon, unfortunately Rickon gives him a confusing look. "Get to bed you," Lucia says, while ruffling his long blonde curly hair, and smiling at him. Rickon scampers off.

Once Lucia reaches his chambers, climbs into his bed, he ponders on whether leaving Winterfell for good is actually a smart idea. 'Of course it is! Who am I fooling?' He thinks to himself. He turns to his right, closes his eyes and eventually falls asleep.

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