Goodbye, Ned - Luciara II

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Luciara gets out of his bed hastily and rushes on his normal clothes. Once fully dressed, Lucia exits his room and leaves the Stark home. He is aware of Lord Eddard's departure to King's Landing today. The Lannister's and Baratheon's aren't great people in Lucia's perspective, so he worries for Ned's safety as Hand of the King. His uncle Benjen Stark and cousin Jon Snow are leaving also, to leave for Castle Black and Jon will become a man of the Night's Watch. Luciara does look highly on the men of the Night's Watch, but has never wished to actually join them.

Luciara finds Ned about to leave Winterfell, so he rushes to him and the men to say his goodbye. "Uncle Ned, wait!" Lucia stops him. "What is it, Lucia?" He asks him and turns to face his nephew whilst mounted on his horse. "I just wanted to officially see you off and say goodbye. I also feel as if I should warn you to be safe there in King's Landing. Lannister's aren't people I would trust, and I know it's the same for you. They're despicable. Be safe and be careful, Ned." Lucia warns him, hoping for him to be smart enough to live there carefully.

"Don't be so concerned, Luciara. You know I'll be safe, just as I know you'll be safe. I will stay alert and be cautious; though I am glad you feel for my safety against the Lannister's. I do ask one thing of you in my absence: look after them. While I am away doing King Robert's job for him, you look after our family, as I have looked after you all these years. Goodbye, Lucia." Lord Eddard says to him, smiling, nods his head and continues his journey onwards to King's Landing. And as he departs, Lucia says, "Goodbye, Ned."

Luciara makes his way back to the tavern, except not to drink, only to see his friends. He decides that if he were to get drunk, he may not be able to keep the Stark's live and well. He feels different inside, knowing that his uncle's life is in danger at King's Landing; only a fool would go there for safety. His uncle Benjen has also left them again to return to Castle Black, along with Jon Snow. Promising Eddard to keep them safe, he mustn't drink as much as he'd like to.

Luciara enters the tavern, he sees barely anyone inside the drunkard's heaven. Androw and Mirk are not in there; Lucia thinks they will come along eventually, so he waits for them. If they ever come. "Good day, my Lord Lucia. And what is it you'd wan' from 'ere today, then?" The bartender asks him with a friendly tone, cleaning a recently once-used glass with a towel. "Nothing today, my kind friend. As of late, one's decided to give the old drink a rest." Lucia answers him, causing the bartender to be rather surprised and shocked.

"Decided not to end up like Ortin, then?" He asks Lucia, putting the glass down and now on a more serious note. "Eh? Finally realised your greatest friend's greatest mistake? Don't worry, my Lord. I know you couldn't have had anything to do with his death and I know you know that." The bartender explains to Lucia, letting Lucia know he will be on his side.

After an hour, Androw enters the tavern searching for Lucia. "I thought I'd find you in here, Lucia," Androw says to him, walking towards him and sits down beside his friend. "Although, no drink is shocking. Why?" Androw questions him and Luciara looks back at him, straight into his eyes, "Because I shouldn't. Uncle Ned has left for King's Landing, so I have to protect and keep the others safe. If I continue to drink at the rate of which I do, it could be drastic for those close to me." Lucia answers him seriously.

"Protect from what? Who's going to try and hurt them?" Androw quizzes Lucia, seeming confused. "The Lannister's." Luciara replies.

After the two clear up the air about the malicious Lannister's, Androw suddenly remembers about the incident with Gill and Mirk. "Rosemary have me informed of..." Androw begins to bring up her abrupt pregnancy, however recalls that it be kept secret. "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up. You're probably very curious now; who wouldn't be?" Androw states rhetorically, seeming rather guilty and full of regret, having brought up the matter of concern, concerning Gill.

"No man would not be curious, however, if this involves beloved Rosemary and it wish be kept between those in known trust, then I shall not question you. Despite the urging curiosity." Lucia replies, respecting the fact that Gill's pregnancy is private matter.

"Well, thank you, Lucia. I cannot begin to describe how much of a fool I have just made myself!"

"Don't think on it too much, Androw. I can understand that you may have wanted to tell me whatever this was, and I think you better for not telling me in the end. Considering this does seem a private concern."

"Would you like to leave now, my Lord? I feel pretty pissed, and you've got a family to look after," Androw reminds Luciara of his job from now on. The two get up, Androw wobbling a little because of his drunkish state, so Lucia helps him out, likewise when Androw helped Lucia out the tavern not so long ago; before the Lannister's arrived and before Lucia had become a protector for the Stark's; his own family.

Lucia sends Androw off for his own home, whilst Lucia returns to his home and sees his Stark cousins. He approaches Robb, "Hello my dear cousin, how are you, now that Ned has left, what are you to do as Lord of Winterfell?" Lucia questions his cousin, in his normal and sarcastic behaviour. "I will do what any Lord must." Robb answers his cousin.

"And that would be?" Lucia asks, trying to feel better than him.

"That would be what your Uncle Ned, my father, our Lord, does. Protect his people; love his family. Our family." Robb replies to him, proud to be the Lord and greatful for this privilege.

"Well, I can only hope you do him proud, cousin. Or, 'my Lord', if you wish. Your father, my uncle, our Lord, has given me also a privilege. One of which I hope to do him proud, same as you. He has tasked me with protecting our family, including you, Robb. He has high hopes that I will be here for all of you when you need me most and where you'll need me most. Be that the kitchen or guarding the castle, your choice. However, Ned wants me to keep you all safe from harm. I will do what I must, just as you will do what you must also. I do hope you'll be an excellent Lord, and I hope that you'll think I'll be an excellent cousin for you." Lucia explains to him, smiling cheerfully and promising to Robb that he shall do whatever it takes to be 'excellent' in his eyes. Luciara leaves Robb with this for him to ponder on.

Lucia returns to his room. The door is closed and he is still extremely curious about what Androw was about to talk about with Rosemary involved. He lays on his bed; empty from any alcohol or wine. It has funny feeling. After so many nights, Lucia has returned to his room, full to maximum on wine. Not this night. This night will have to be the first of many to return home lucid and stable. He stares at his ceiling, wondering how Lord Eddard is doing in King's Landing, surrounded by Lannister's, Baratheon's, Lord Petyr Baelish and other foul, villainous creatures that lurk from sewers to Iron Throne's in King's Landing. For this is truly a perilous place his uncle has come to.

A knock on the door. Luciara's aunt Catelyn enters, "I was just checking to see how you, my sweet nephew." She says kindly as she comes in.

"I am not drunk. I have left the tavern all but drunk. Uncle Ned has fled for King's Landing; making me promise him that I shall protect all of you from harm's way." Lucia replies, being cocky. Though Catelyn knew the kind of response to be given; everyone knows Lucia's attitude at times.

"We are all worried for Ned's safety, especially me. I have come to learn just how deadly these Lannister's can be. They murdered Jon Arryn. They then attempt to murder Bran. Why Ned felt it was his place to go there, I cannot know. But I do know he wants to help King Robert, his one true friend. We must all look after our friends, Lucia. That you must know. Whenever our friends are in danger, or need our help, we cannot turn our backs. We should not betray them." Catelyn advises Lucia to take care of his friends and not just the family. "I don't want you to worry about what Ned had asked of you, but take care in whatever it was." She ends and kisses him on the top of his head, like she used to when Lucia was in his younger years.

Once she leaves him, it gives Luciara some time to think about whether to actually ask Androw, or even Rosemary, what is happening with them. What the fuss seems to be about. He decides that for the morning, he will confront Androw about this event. Whether it ends in good or bad, the answer remains for the morning...

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