Trial by Combat - Mirk II

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Mirk had been dragged off violently by Brutus on the orders of Saulmund, a young boy to whom the Wildlings looked up for guidance and leadership. Mirk was given no say. No choice. No information or reason. He was simply dragged off to be violated by Brutus.

The colossal trees, standing proud, surrounded the horror of the scene between Mirk and Brutus. Mirk pleaded, he begged. Brutus did not listen. And as some time passed, he was done, tying him up with a rope around his waist and one of those tall trees.

Mirk sobbed in both pain and angst; anger was present, but not a key factor in his mind. He looked around, seeing nothing but darkness and trees. It was all he had seen for many days now. Though he could hear raucous laughter coming from those Wildlings. "Fuck you..." Mirk whimpered, quieter than that of the flies' buzzing in a brothel. "Fuck you." This time more powerful, albeit not loud enough. The anger had now become the key emotion: "Fuck you!" he roared.

The Wildlings did not care. They ignored him and went for their sleep. Mirk fighting and screaming in the distance.

The morning came, and Brutus returned to Mirk, "Did you sleep well?" Brutus taunts. "I'll fuckin' rip your 'ead off!" Mirk threats. Brutus finds it amusing and chuckles deeply.
"No, you won't."
"You're in the Seven Kingdoms now; you're on our soil, so you have to obey our laws. I say that you raped me and so we shall have a trial, do you accept?" Mirk attempts to find his way out of this.
"I don't understand. You and your laws don't make any sense."
"We will gather your group up and I'll accuse you of rape, then you will either confirm it or deny it."
"What happens then?"
"If you are found guilty, then you are sent to jail. If you are found innocent, then we will continue with our lives, but that's not what's gonna happen."
"What is gonna happen, then?" Brutus asks, becoming more intrigued with each word.
"Hopefully you will be found guilty, and since there are no jails in sight, we'll just have to kill you. Perhaps by removing your fucking ugly face." Brutus laughs once more.
"No, now it's time for your punishment."
"No, no, please, I beg you, please!" Mirk pleads, worse than beggars in the streets.

Saulmund and Seramund heard this discussion and Seramund persuaded Saulmund to assist Mirk, "Brutus, Brutus, please. Leave the man be for a while. What he is saying makes sense. It'll be fun to see him try and weasel his way from your wrath," Saulmund now begins to persuade Brutus to leave Mirk alone.
"Fuck. Fine," Brutus remarks and leaves.

Saulmund set up the trial with Mirk's assistance, and Mirk pleads for his life. The Wildlings then discuss what to do with Mirk, considering he obviously lost his trial. "Wait, please, wait!" Mirk shouts to them. "I may not hav' got me justice 'ere, but I can still do more for my sake. I can let the Gods decide my fate, via a trial by combat. You guys like a bit of fightin', don't ya? So let me fight for my cause. Let me fight the perpetrator: Brutus," Mirk reveals his master plan to them. He wouldn't get out of this predicament without a fight. Especially not now since he has gotten used to love killing.

"What happens there?" Brutus questions.
"I have to fight you, and if I win, I am therefore free from you fuckers. But if I lose, well, then I'm dead, and you guys wouldn't have to bother with me anymore." The Wildlings agree to it; Brutus has never lost a fight, and losing one to Mirk didn't seem likely to any of them. Mirk just wanted a chance to get out: free from them or death.

Mirk gets a longsword, to represent the Seven Kingdoms, whereas Brutus wields a steel battle-axe they recovered raiding a small village without their knowing. "Are you ready?" Brutus taunts in that demonic voice of his. Mirk does not respond; he slowly nods his head.

Brutus brutally makes his way towards him, thumping his feet on the ground. Mirk pulls the sword up for defence. Their weapons clash, the steel screeching as they scrape alongside each other. Brutus pushes Mirk away from with might, knocking him to the ground. The Wildlings cheer on Brutus. Saulmund simply smirks, while Seramund stares at the scene. Mirk gets up; he has not given up yet and won't until his dying breath.

Mirk lunges the longsword to attack Brutus. Brutus moves out of the way, causing Mirk to miss. The other Wildlings taunt Mirk just as Brutus had taunted him. Mirk ignores them. He is only concentrating on slashing and hacking at the limbs of Brutus.

Mirk moves on his right, circling Brutus. Now taunting him, Mirk makes his way over to Brutus, causing another clash of their weapons. Their anger clear on their faces as they stare each other off. Mirk attempts to push Brutus off, however only making him budge a little; Brutus is too bulky to be moved by the likes of Mirk. Mirk tries again. And again. And again. Once more. Every time Brutus makes his way back, Mirk pushes him some more.

Becoming fatigued, the two start to just swing their weapons at each other. Brutus rapidly swings the battle-axe in a motion that would have taken off Mirk's head, if not for his attack being too obvious. Mirk ducks the attack and swings the longsword in return, and, much to his and everyone's surprise, it digs into Brutus' right side, a little below his ribs.

The Wildlings boo and shout and some decide to almost take arms against Mirk, however Saulmund prevents them, explaining the law behind it. "I don't give a shit for their laws," one states. "He agreed to it; there's nothing we can do but watch," Saulmund replies. They all step back.

Mirk removes the longsword, several drops of blood drip from him. Mirk swings it once more, whilst Brutus drops his battle-axe, realising he has lost. The second swing catches his neck on his left side. Mirk removes it, with more blood spewing out. Brutus' body collapses, Mirk's longsword with it.

He notices some blood on his left shoulder. He must've been wounded in the fight without realising. None of it mattered much to him now, for he had won the battle; he was free. "No! You cannot!" Seramund screams.
"I can and I fuckin' 'ave. I am free, you pricks. I am free," Mirk says, not truly believing the words himself.

Mirk begins to wander off, smiling with glee. The something unexpected happened to him: Saulmund requests him. "Mirk, wait. You killed Brutus-" he starts, until Mirk cuts him off.
"Yes, and I'd gladly do it all again."
"We need someone to help protect me and my sister. Please, will you do this for us?" Saulmund, now begging Mirk, asks.
"That is not how the fucking world works. I would like you to leave me be."
"Then we will hunt you down. And this time, it will be a lot worse. You may think because we agreed to your leaving that we will just leave you alone. You are sorely mistaken if you think we carry a shred of honour with us," Saulmund threatens Mirk. Mirk is without a care, and makes his way back north to Winterfell, hoping to encounter Luciara and not the law.

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