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~Ok I've had this idea ever since the new arc started but I have expanded on it and this is the results-~

Smg4 jumped, he hadn't really let anyone in his room ever since he started working on his video, it needed to be perfect, so distractions weren't an option.
"Smg4, I'm tired of this! You are obsessed with making this stupid video and it's driving everyone mad!" Meggy snapped, she felt a chill down her spine when smg4 turned around. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his eyes were dead and he kept twitching.
"Meggy! Can't you see I'm busy!" Smg4 snapped back,
"NO, YOU'RE NOT!" Meggy yelled,
"YES I AM!" Smg4 snapped back, he sounded furious, Meggy took a step back. But, she doubled down and then went to grab smg4; she stomped towards him and grabbed his arm,
"Come on, smg4!"
Smg4 ripped her arm off his and slapped her,
"IM.. BUSY!" He snapped, he picked up a chair to throw at her, but, she ran out the room before he could. Smg4 slowly walked towards his door and looked out at Meggy, she looked back, terrified, he then slammed his door shut. Leaving Meggy alone, she looked down the stairs and saw Mario, she sprinted down to see him.
"Oh, hey Meggy!"
"Mario... I-" before Meggy could say another word Mario interrupted,
"Meggy! What happened to your face!?"
"I...It was-"
"IT WAS??????" Mario replied in anticipation,
"It was smg4..."
Mario looked disgusted and shocked, he knew that smg4 would never want to hurt his friends intentionally. He also knew that smg4 wouldn't hit someone without a good reason,
"Ok... well, why did he hit you?" Mario asked,
"'s that dumb video! I don't know what started all this but he is refusing to do anything else!" Meggy explained, marios eyes widened but then went back to normal. He went to go to the stairs but Meggy grabbed his arm,
"Mario, it's not a good idea..." Meggy said, she sounded serious,
"No, you're right. It's a horrible idea." Mario replied, before continuing upstairs, Meggy sighed and watched him. Mario banged on Smg4's door, but ended up barging in anyway.
"Smg4, what are you doing!"
"Mario thinks you gone a coo-coo crazy!"
"Why did you hit Meggy?"
"She interrupted me!"
"But no! You've just pushed us all away! The only person who isn't trying to help you is yourself..."
"You are going to ruin your relationship with ALL OF US if you don't get yourself straight!" Mario explained, he walked up to smg4 and turned him around to slap him.
"Snap out of it... this isn't you." Mario said, he sounded cold, he left the room.
Mario wasn't done though,
"Where are you going?" Meggy asked,
"I'm paying smg3 a visit, he started this so he's gunna stop it..." Mario explained.
"Smg3... MARIO WAIT! I NEED MORE CONTEXT!" Meggy yelled before Mario left, Meggy thought it would be no use following him, so she sighed and just decided to wait for him.

~Er— transition woo~

~*knock knock knock*~
Smg3 paused,
"I'm sorry, I will be right back!" Smg3 explained before pausing his stream, he grabbed eggdog and went to answer the door.
"Yeah whatever you want it isn't important leave me- Mario?!"
"Look, smg4 was gone bananas ever since YOU went to go see him to film a video! I don't know what you did but it's killing him, I don't care what you say you HAVE to help him!" Mario explained, smg3 looked disturbed, but, he did have a bit of a soft spot for smg4.
"I... he took it that seriously!? I only told him people liked quality! Nothing else, I swear!" Smg3 replied,
"I believe you, I just want to know if your willing to help!" Mario explained,
"I... erm... YES!" Smg3 replied, he stoped his stream and went with Mario to go see smg4, smg3 was pretty nervous to see what state he was in, since Mario hadn't gone into too much detail.
"So.. erm.. how bad is he?" Smg3 awkwardly asked,
"Bad enough for me to seek your help." Mario replied,
Smg3 shivered and looked down, he didn't want to admit it but he was a bit scared to do it, he didn't even know if he could! But, for whatever reason, he knew he was willing to try.
"Here we are, the castle." Mario announced, he and smg3 entered, they say Meggy and all of smg4 other friends in the living room waiting for them!"
"あなたが来た頃に!" Saiko announced,
(About time you came)
"Yeah... I was worried!" Tari said,
"So, you think this gay bitch can help smg4 not be insane?"
"IM NOT GAY!" Smg3 snapped,
"I'm not sure", mario said, "but, I think we are all willing to try anything tbh."
Smg3 gulped and went upstairs, he knocked on the door and waited for a bit before going inside.
"Mario, if your here to lecture me again, GO AWAY!" Smg4 snapped,
"No! It's me, smg3!" Smg3 replied,
"And I'm here to say your bad shit crazy over this video and it's ruining your relationships with everyone!"
"Smg3... you said-"
"Well, forget what I said! If it's made you like this then call it bull shit!" Smg3 yelled,
"NO! YOU'RE RIGHT! DID YOU SEE THOSE NUMBERS?-" smg4 replied excitedly,
"Oh don't start with that bull shit!" Smg3 snapped,
"I don't care how big the video gets—" smg4 cut him off,
"BUT YOU DO!" Smg4 replied,
"SMG4, LISTEN!" Smg3 yelled again,
"OH HERE WE FUCKING GO!" Smg4 snapped,
"NO! The smg4 I know is sweet, kind, he doesn't put anything or anyone before his friends because he fucking CARES ABOUT THEM! He isn't careless and he isn't CRUEL!" Smg3 snapped, he stepped closer to smg4 and continued,
"THE SMG4 I KNOW LISTENS TO PEOPLE... HE KNOWS WHEN TO STOP! And now I can't even describe you remotely like that..."
"Oh shut up!" Smg4 replied,
"For fuck sakes you tried to kill me! You. DONT, CARE-"
They went silent.

"Smg3.... What did you just say?" Smg4 asked in awe, smg3 covered his mouth and blushed,
"Smg4, you... you heard me the first time.
I'm begging you... please just stop." Smg3 said, he sounded like he was about to cry, he turned around and left the room before smg4 could question him further. Smg4 looked at all the editing he had done, he was furious at himself, he finally realised what he had done.
In rage, he deleted everything, all the footage, all the voice overs, all the edits, everything. He sat down on his bed and thought about what smg3 said,
"He... loves me?" He asked himself,
"Oh my god... what have I done!" He continued, he started to cry.
"Well? How did it go!" Mario asked,
"I... er.." smg3 turned a bit red but shook it off,
"Well, he definitely listened to me..." smg3 started,
"Yay!" Tari yelled,
"But... I don't know what he did after..." smg3 finished.
"Oh, right..." Tari said in defeat,
"Well, I'll go check." Mario said, Meggy followed behind him, they went inside and smg4 saw them; he got up and ran to hug Meggy.
"OMG MEGGY! I'M SO SORRY... IM SORRY.. IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!" Smg4 yelled, Meggy sighed,
"Yeah he's back to normal..." she said,
"Calm down 4..." Mario added, they went downstairs and saw the others. Smg4 explained everything and how sorry he was, almost crying in the process. Bob and Saiko didn't forgive him, but it went well with the others. But, he still wanted to talk with smg3, so he picked up his phone and went to text him, they set up a time and date and then smg4 would ask him.
~The Convo went something like this~
"... Smg3?"
"Yeah, what's up!"
"Did you really mean it?"
"Did I really mean what?"
"Did you really mean it when you said...
you'd fallen in love with me?"
"I-I... erm... well."
"Come on! Your blushing~"
"I... FINE! I admit, I love you! I love you a lot! I've loved you ever since the shit with zero..."
"Awww! Smg3, I'm so glad you told me :D"
"I think I'm willing to make this work! No, I AM willing to make this work! :D"
~Hurray! Omg I need to dry my wet ass hair AAAAHHHHH~

♡Word count: 1460♡

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