Meme school

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~This is inspired by a South Park episode lol 😭 ~
~Season 7 episode 13- butt out~

Smg3 sat down in his chair, he sighed and put his head down on the desk,
"Hey, Frreeeaaaak!" A girl said, everyone started laughing,
"Haha, very funny..." he said, before getting out his compass and carving things into the desk. He zoned out, smg3 thought about stuff,
'Damn— this class is shockingly boring.'
Smg3 listened out for a second, she heard the girl talking about him,
'Typical....' Smg3 thought, he got out a sticky note, wrote on it and slapped it onto her back.
"HEY!" The girl yelled,
"Sophia, what is it?"
"Smg3 hit me!"
"... Sophia, smg3 couldn't even hit himself."
Smg3 turned red out of embarrassment and looked down, Sophia pulled the note off her back and it read,
"Where's your hair gone?"
"What! That's ridic—" Sophia felt her back and realised her once long hair was short, her face dropped and she started to cry.
"Whoops!" Smg3 replied, swinging the scissors In his hands, she looked furious, but, the bell rang. Smg3 threw the scissors and quickly got his bag on before waiting to leave the room.
'I'm so fucked-' he thought,
"Well, class, today we have an assembly about the dangers of smoking!"
"The class all groaned,
"So can you all please make your way down to the hall-"
Everyone got out their seats and started talking to their friends, smg3 didn't have any friends in that class, his ex boyfriend was there but that's it.
"Look, freak." Someone said to smg3 as he walked,
"I don't know what you did to Sophia yet, but when I find out, I'm beating your ass." Smg3 rolled his eyes.
"Sure you will!" Smg3 replied, he cracked his knuckles and smiled, the kid groaned and walked away.
'Pathetic....' He thought, he got the hall and sat in the bleachers, he decided to see who sat next to him, he was on the end row, people moved away from him. He sighed, but then...
"Excuse me!"
Hi looked around to see smg4 one of the most well liked kids in school, who he also just so happened to have a little crush on.
"Erm... 4? I wouldn't talk to him."
"Why not?" Smg4 asked,
"Because he cut Sophia's hair..."
"!?" Everyone went silent in shock,
"He did!? Oh god! What did she do to him?"
"Well... if im going to be honest smg3 is really sweet and wouldn't do something like that unless they had really done something to get on his nerves." Smg4 explained, smg3 covered his face. Smg4 turned to him,
"So what did— OMG ARE YOU CRYING????" Smg4 asked, truth was smg3 was blushing like crazy but he somehow shook it off,
"Nah... just tired, I guess."
"Ok cool!"
"Can I have your attention please..?" Mr. Patrick asked, everyone kept talking,
"Er... attention!" Still nothing, Dumbledore took the microphone and put it against the speaker.
"AAAAHHHHH!" The crowd yelled, smg3 looked at smg4, then looked away again.
"Now, today we have some very special visitors who will teach you about the dangers of smoking."
'Yippee...' smg3 thought, he yawned,
"Now here are... kick ash!" Mr Patrick announced before stepping to the side,
'What the fuck...' smg3 thought,
The two volunteers yelled, one did a cartwheel and the other was holding a prop cigarette,
"" smg3 muttered under his breath,
"Hey kids! How are we all doing today!"
*1 hour of a shitty performance*
Smg4 looked at smg3, he rolled his eyes and slapped him awake,
"what-" smg3 whispered,
"You fell asleep and missed the whole thing! Ugh, lucky.."
"Remember kids! If you smoke, you could grow up to be a good for nothing nobody with no job, wife, husband or kids!"
"Or you could end up in jail."
"Or dead! So remember, continue to.... KICK ASH!"
"Thank you very much to our volunteers today."
"Yeah this assembly was totally ass, let's get cigarettes lol."
Smg3 said, smg4 looked down and muttered,
"Er... I'm sorry but I don't really want to."
"Oh, it's cool..." smg3 replied, at the end of the assembly 3 other kids came up to him,
"Hey! You offered 4 to come smoke with you right?" One asked,
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, do you actually have some?"
"No shit—" he pulled 2 packs out his bag,"
"Yeah I'll do anything to not be like them hippies!" Another kid said,
Smg3 laughed and they went out back.
*insert lots of coughing*
"CHRIST THIS IS HARD—" Smg3 yelled,
"NAAAH, I stole them from that girl in kick ash!"
"OH SHIT, DUMLEDORE!" One of the other kids yelled, they quickly put out the cigarettes and smg3 muttered,
"Stay quiet—"
"Boys, what are you doing..."
*insert coughing*
"Noth-" before smg3 could finish he sneezed,
"YEAH! GROSS!" Another kid said as the all collectively coughed,
"Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd assume you boys had been smoking >:("
"NOPE! No mr *COUGHING* Dumbledore ofc not."
"Good!" He said before walking away,
~1 hr later~
Smg3 sighed, he was in another class, Sophia was sitting in front of him again, he didn't look it but he was honestly pretty scared. Sophia turned around and looked at smg3 angrily, but, her anger turned into a smirk.
"What do you want?" Smg3 asked, he yawned, Sophia handed him a piece of scrunched up paper, smg3 opened it and turned bright red before scrunching it back up.
"So, I found that nearby your locker, judging by your reaction Im assuming it's yours." Sophia explained condescendingly, smg3 groaned.
You may be wondering,
"Jesus Christ what was on that paper!"
Well, it was a drawing of smg4 with a heart and the sentence,
"My love! ♡"
"So, unless you want me to tell everyone about your little secret, you are going to do me a favour!" Sophia explained,
"Yeah yeah, what do you want?" Smg3 asked,
"I want you to get me lunch tomorrow!"
"Really... that's it?" Smg3 asked,
"Yes... but! I want you to pretended to be ME when you get it!" Sophia explained,
"WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!" Smg3 yelled,
"Something wrong?" The teacher said, giggling a bit,
"Right, keep flirting with your girlfriend-"  Sophia and smg3 collectively gaged,
"Impossible! I heard smg3 is into guys!"
"AS IF!" He yelled,
"Settle down class..." the teacher said before going back to teaching,
"Well they ain't wrong-" Sophia said,
"Shut up."
"Do we have a deal, or do I get your secret out!" Sophia snidely remarked,
"Uuugggghhhh! Fine, we have a deal -.-" smg3 unenthusiastically responded,
"Great!" She said, Sophia giggled as she turned back round,
"Done flirting?" The teacher asked,
"Probably-" smg3 replied, he got a few giggles which surprised him, but it made him smile a bit.

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