The big idea

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~Ok, so, this chapter will take a ridiculous amount of time to make...~
~I don't know when it will be finished as of right now, but yeah 🤩 ~
~also side note I know Meggy has her own house she's only staying with smg4 for a week because of the whole "it's gotta be perfect 👺" thing~

~This is all written in third person~
Smg4 was restless, he kept thinking about smg3, he would think about him, start giggling, then get embarrassed and burry his face in his pillow.
"Ugh! This is stupid... what do I see in him anyway?!" Smg4 muttered to himself, he screamed into his pillow and then picked up the one that had fallen.  He hugged it right before going to sleep.
*20 minutes later*
Meggy jumped awake, she heard smg4 scream and then groan again, she couldn't take it. She marched over to Smg4's room and banged on the door, smg4 opened, gave her a piece of paper and shut the door.
Meggy took the paper and knocked again, smg4 opened and Meggy sighed,
"Just checking you aren't possessed again.." Meggy whispered, yawning,
"No I'm fine-" smg4 said, yawning mid sentence. He shut the door again and Meggy went back to her room to look at the note. She scanned it and laughed,
"Sorry for being loud, I didn't wanna say this in words so yeah. In a nutshell I've been thinking about smg3 and I'm hella embarrassed about it. So don't show anyone, besides Mario.".
Meggy sighed and scrunched up the note and threw it in her bag. She knew smg4 has had a crush on smg3 for a while, he told her a while ago, but, she still found it funny.
Meggy came into the castle,
"Hey, I'm back guys!" She yelled, everyone said hi and then she went to sit on the sofa,
"You ok, 4?" She asked, smg4 gasped-ish and looked at her,
"I..erm.. can I talk to you?" He asked,
"Sure!" Meggy asked, smg4 scotched a bit closed to her and whispered,
"Earlier... Mario forced me and smg3 to kiss..." he explained, meggys eyes lit up and she smiled at him,
"Ooo! Tell me more :0" she said excitedly, smg4 groaned and confined.
"And... smg3 started blushing and so did I! And I... er..." smg4 stopped, he blushed a bit again and looked back to finish,
"I think I like him!"
Meggy gasped and smiled, she put her hand on Smg4's shoulder as he hurried his face in his hands.
"Hey, it's ok! You can't control how you feel... so, when do you plan on telling him?" She asked,
"Not now! I couldn't now..." smg4 said in a panic,
"Well, obviously! But, you are going to-"
"I can't! What would he think of me?! I.. don't know why I ever said that to you, just... don't tell anyone else." Smg4 explained, he sounded scared, Meggy felt bad.
"I... smg4–" Meggy paused and smg4 got up off the sofa,
"Fine! But, just so you know... if you hide from it, it won't go away.." Meggy warned, smg4 nodded his head and walked away. Everyone else looked confused yet concerned.
*later that night*
Everyone was watching a movie, smg4 had gone to sleep and so Tari asked,
"Er... Meggy?"
"Yeah?" Meggy replied,
"What did you say to smg4 earlier?" Tari asked,
"Yeah! He's been acting totally gay all day—" Bob added,
"Ikr!" Mario replied, Bob yawned and leant against Mario,
(Not a ship just drunk Bob-)
"Stop being gay before Mario slaps you!" Mario jokingly said, Bob laughed and got up off Mario.
"Well...?" Tari asked, Meggy forgot the question amidst the chaos,
"A-ah! Right! Smg4 likes ssssSOMEONE! And he doesn't want to tell them—" Meggy explained,
"Oh!" Bob said, he hiccuped and fell on Mario again, Mario sighed and pushed him off the sofa,
"Well screw you!" Bob yelled, then he passed out,
"Now he's out the way..." Meggy started,
"The person he likes is a bit... tsundere—" Meggy explained, little did she know but she just accidentally gave away smg4's crush,
"It's Smg3 isn't it..." everyone said,
"Shhh!" Meggy yelled, smg4 woke up,
"God— did I miss the film again?!" Smg4 asked,
"Only half, sleepyhead!" Saiko teased, Smg4 sighed,
"Yeah screw this I'm going to bed—" he flung himself off the sofa and then upstairs, the second his door closed they continued.
"So, is it him?" Saiko asked, Meggy sighed,
"Not a word to anyone else but... yes." She said unenthusiasticly,
"YAY!! I knew it :)" Mario said,
"Whatever..." Meggy said,
"How is he scared to fess up to that thing?! Smg3 is head over heels for smg4! HE LITERALLY TOLD US-" saiko yelled, Meggy put her hands over saikos mouth. They waited but nothing happened,
"Yeah— I don't know either.. but, he is that kinda gay—" Meggy joked, everyone snickered and went back to the film.

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