a chapter!

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~ok so this is growing a lot faster then I expected so I'm going to write a chapter now :)~

~Meme school chapter! If you don't care wait until I update or read a previous one I guess-~

~Smg3 sighed, he kept thinking about what smg4 did at their little meeting... thing. Smg3 was carving into his desk as usual when he decided to talk to Sophia about it,
"Psst!" Smg3 whispered,
"What—" Sophia replied,
"Er... so you know when I said I was going to talk to smg4 on the rooftop?" Smg3 awkwardly asked,
"Yeah— you wouldn't shut up about it!" Sophia teased,
"Well... he.. erm— well er..." smg3 got quieter and quieter as he spoke,
"He kissed me!" Smg3 said veey quietly, Sophia gasped and started beaming,
"Are you serious!" She whispered loudly—
"Yeah yeah—" smg3 put his head into his hands and started blushing like mad.
"Well?! What are you waiting for?" Sophia said, the teacher whipped her head around, she was one of the only few non meme teachers in the school.
The teacher had ginger hair in a bun, glasses, green eyes and pale ass skin.
"Sophia! Stop flirting with smg3!!" She snapped, but giggled soon after. Once again, smg3 and smg4 collectively gagged but then Sophia piped up and said,
"Oh, miss! It's not me smg3 will be flirting with! It's a certain someone else!" Sophia teased, smg3 went bright red and looked down at the desk.
"Great, Sophia... just don't tease him again, even I know he's a wreck-" the teacher also slightly teased, smg3 groaned and took down some notes. It was surprising for most people as smg3 never usually took notes, he kinda just absorbed the information and then hoped he'd pass. Most people thought it was because he was really smart, but, they then figured out it was because he'd just draw in his book. It still impressed people he could even get a B with his "'tactic'".
Smg3 did end up drawing anyway, he drew smg4, he panicked as the teacher was coming over and in his panic he tore out the page and threw it away.
"S...smg3 go get that and show it to me... NOW!" The teacher snapped, smg3 groaned, picked it up, the teacher noticed he was shaking as he went to give it to her. She smiled, an evil kind and loudly exclaimed what was on the paper.
"MY OH MY! Why it APPPEARS to be—" smg3 snatched the paper and snapped,
"THERE YOU SAW IT YOU, WHORE!" He covered his mouth and started shaking even more, he started breathing heavily and looking around at everyone.
The teacher took him out the room and to his surprise APOLOGISED to him! The teacher explained she knew what a fucking panick attack was and this time would let him off. He didn't come back in for the rest of the lesson though :,)

Er break time.
"Smg4!" Smg3 yelled, it was slightly raining, he tripped and landed in a puddle,
"S-smg3!? I thought—" Smg4 paused, he looked down and sighed, he helped him up and continued.
"I thought we were like.. you know? Take a bit of a break—" smg4 muttered,
"Smg4... we can't hide from what happened. Because how we feel won't go away! I need you to be honest with me..." smg3 pleaded, he grabbed Smg4's hands,
"Did you... well... after or before ever like..."
"Like what.." smg4 awkwardly asked, truth was, he already knew the answer and there was mo way to avoid the question.
"Did you ever like me!!" Smg3 finally spat out, he blushed a bit and let go of Smg4's hands, smg4 looked at him then walked away..
"Smg4... please.." smg3 said, in the verge of tears. Smg4 considered himself a coward for this, but, he wasn't ready.. he just wasn't. Smg3 sighed and went over to Sophia,
"How'd it go!" She asked,
"He... walked away.." he said sadly,
"Well. I'm not surprised, I imagine he's just as shaken up as you are! Maybe.... *insert sigh 😩 * give him more time?" Sophia monologged,
"Maybe..." smg3 replied.

The interaction stayed on Smg4's mind all day, he felt bad for not saying anything. He knew he had to be honest, he does like him back, he enjoyed the damn kiss. He sighed, he had to suck it up and say it.
Smg3 was collecting stuff from his locker, Smg4 crept up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"!! Oh... it's you—" smg3 said, he sounded annoyed and sad,
"Smg3, I.. I shouldn't have done that."
"Done what?" Smg3 replied in confusion,
"...walked away. What you did was brave and I was a coward about it. I- I can't live with this anymore!" Smg4 explained,
"Live with what.. Smg4 I promise I'm not—"
"I LOVE YOU SMG3!" Smg4 yelled, he blushed a bit and smiled, smg3 turned all red and some of the other kids there gasped and looked towards the scene.
"I..you-you...you do!?" Smg3 replied,
"Yeah! :)" Smg4 said enthusiastically,
"So.. can we like— er.. date or something." Smg3 muttered,
"ARE YOU KIDDING?! I'D LOVE TO :DDD" Smg4 replied, giving smg3 a massive hug.
"Tell anyone and we'll kick your ass!" Smg3 yelled, the other kids laughed and left it alone.
"So... er... 3, can i call you that?" Smg4 asked,
"Yeah... I guess-" smg3 replied awkwardly, he blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck.
"You're so cute, 3! Can we hang out :D" smg4 asked,
"Y-yes! Of course I'd love to :)" smg3 replied, they aesthetically UWU baddie'd out the school. Almost as aesthetic UWU baddie as Smg3's panic attack in the new movie.

~ok I have an animation to work on :)~

♡ word count: 965 ♡

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