Meme school 2

566 6 2

~Hurray! :,)~

Smg3 went through his locker, it had been a week since the whole thing with smg4. To be honest, they had both been avoiding each other, when, SLAM!
"Hey, freak! I see you cut Sophia's hair?" The kid said, it was the same kid who threatened him before the assembly,
"Yeah, so what?! We're coo—" before he could finished he faced a blow to the face and was knocked to the ground.
"Yeah right 'COOOOOOOOL'" he said mockingly, smg3 got up and got ready to fight,
"You wanna go?!"
"Well no shit—" he said sarcastically, a crowd formed and that's when smg3 knew he had to win.
Smg3 roundhoused him and when he got up knocked him down with his bag, but, he fell over in he process. He saw he was going to his ribs, so he caught his leg and pulled so he fell again. Then they both got up and started throwing lots of punches, just barley landing any, then, the kid caught Smg3's hand and swung him to the ground. Smg3 got up but, the way he had swung him had Brocken his arm, he knew he was done without help. But, he needed to win. So roundhoused him again, pinned him onto the floor and punched him in the face, then, looked him dead in the eyes. Smg3 saw a weak and pathetic man, someone not to be feared. He laughed and got up, but, then he thought about what would happen to the kid, it would be a serious blow to his reputation. Smg3 didn't want him to end up like him so he helped him up and they both went to the nurses office.

~Yeah I'm done with the meme school saga I will write other stuff now I promise.~

♡Word count: 302♡

♡  SMG34 hc's!  ♡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum