Idea 2 🤨

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~Ok, first of all, I can't like any comments because I used a fake email :,)
But ty for the comment on the idea! :)~

~At the castle~
It had been 5 months since smg3 confessed to smg4 in the argument, tbh, neither of them were used to being in a relationship-

"Something wrong, my love?" Smg3 asked, smg4 sighed and blushed,
"This... it- it still doesn't feel right!" Smg4 explained,
"It's been 5 months, 4. Come on!" Smg3 groaned,
"I know... it's just that— idk!"
"What's wrong is probably that you promised me we would keep this a secret from your friends, and you don't like keeping stuff from them, do you love?" Smg3 monologued,
"Well... pretty much!"
"Glad I could help-" smg3 said sarcastically, smg4 smiled and leaned his head against his shoulder,
"I love you, smg3." Smg4 said, smg3 turned red,
"I ER.... Love you too."
They both smiled and watched was on the tv before both falling asleep.
The others came back and saw them like that, Mario gasped,
"SEE! I KNEW THEY WERE GAY!!!!" Mario yelled enthusiastically, the others sighed and left them alone.
Truth was, that they had found out 2 months into smg4 and smg3 being together. How? You may ask... well....

~2 Months earlier~
"Haha! Look what I got!" Mario announced, he was holding a book in his hands,
"Oh, you finally going to take up reading red?" Meggy asked,
"Of course..." she replied,
"Ooo! What is it Mario :D" Boopkins asked, Bob came out from behind Mario and explained,
"Well, mario, Smg4 and me were having a sleep over, when smg4, the little bitch, fell asleep!" Bob explained,
"So, me and Bob took his script writing book!"
"Oh... that's mean Mario! Put it back D:" Boopkins exclaimed,
"No! It's from 2013, he was an edgy teenager! I'm not missing out >:(" Mario snapped,
"Oh... Ok :("
They opened it and scrolled through, then, they found out he had been using it is a diary as of recently,
"Mario! You idiot, this went from a script to a diary! Now you really SHOULD put it back." Meggy said,
"Oh fine! But one page first >:)" Mario said,
He began to read out loud,
"UGH! I've hated the past couple days, recently I have started to date someone who shall remain UNAMED!"
"... Mario—" Meggy tried saying, but Mario continued,
"I can't help but melt every time I even think about the fact I'm dating him. He's so cute! I love—'
Ugh he scribbled it out! Bob take over."
"hmmmm, that says...."
Bob went silent, he looked like he was about to laugh,
"It says- smg3! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Mario started laughing too.

~Present day~
And that's how they found out! It's pretty dumb but that's how it is 🤡

♡Word count: 462♡

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