Ch.2 An difficult call

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The firefighter lines there jackets up and placed Grace in the middle of it

The firefighter lines there jackets up and placed Grace in the middle of it

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She'll have brotherhood for the rest of her life Chief Copper said

Aid Car to Dorthory street possible of OD the intercom said

I'll be taking this bundle of Joy Wesley and Lilly Chief Copper said

Adam POV
We arrived on scene

We need PD now I said over the radio

Help my friend a girl said

Step back I yelled

She gave birth not two long ago please help her girl said

What her name? Lilly asked

Maggie The girl said

What did she take? I asked

Fentanyl The girl said

I administer Narcain for her back

We loaded her up in the ambulance drove her to St.Micheal hospital

Age 15
Narcain was given
I said

This Maggie the baby girl was born here where is she The doctor said

My ears perked up

Sir have you received a baby girl at the station the doctor said

Her name is Grace I said

Can you bring her? The doctor asked me

She doesn't deserved her she didn't give it a name I said closing the door

Why you so mad? Lilly asked me

Because at month old I was given at surrender without a name I said

I drove to the station

Amber was in the front

What going on? I asked

Grace needs to go for her check up Amber said

Can't Johnathan take look at her I asked

Sure Amber said

We took to the back of the ambulance and they checked her

Grace cried as she laid on my chest

She really likes you Amber said

I smiled

Four alarm fire Alley road The announcement said

I handed Grace to Amber

I hope on the truck to head to the fire

3rd POV
The crews battle the fire  for hours and hours.

It far too dangerous Wesley said

I make the decision Captain Copper said

I repeat all group out I repeat all group back Baliton Chief Evans said

But the fire not out yet Captain Copper said

I'm not risking losing any of my crews tonight Chief Evans said

Adam POV
Nice job Jillian said

Thank I said

We drove back to the station exhausted

Hey baby girl I said

Grace reached for me as I pick her up

She slept Amber said

Do you have any hospital records? I asked

We need to talk Amber said

I handed grace to Chief Evans

Captain Copper walked in as well

What going on? I asked

Adam her moms wants her back Amber said

The mom who gave her up without a name I said

I know it hard but we can't denier the return of her Amber said

I saved her from drug overdose how do we know she not gonna OD again. I know what it feel to have a parent die in line of duty I said

Greg Wesley best firefighter I trained him. Greg took Adam in at month old and when he died. Thompson took you in but never changed your name Captain Copper said

What her name? I asked

Sarah Levy Amber said

We does she want to see her? I asked

She stopped tomorrow Amber said

What gonna happen if this baby is take from us I asked

We don't know Amber said

She drug addict I said

Back down Wesley Captain Copper said

Daniel didn't you not lose your daughter to drug OD you know two it feels do you want Grace to feel that way I asked

It not choice Amber said

I want to be with her I said

I walked out of Copper office as the boys heard

We're so sorry Jonathan said

Give me my baby I said

I took her to my room

I am so sorry I whispered rocking back and forth

I laid down as I closed my eyes

Flashback POV
I stood in Captain Thompson office my dad Captain

Where my dad? I asked

Your dad died in the line of service Captain Thompson said

What? I asked

We're so sorry Captain Thompson said

The engine showed I ran out and my dad didn't get out

No I fell to my knees sobbing

Jonathan POV
How he doing? Josh asked me

He been a wreck I said

He really cares for her Josh said

He knows what she going through he too was given up as baby at fire station. I said

Adam walked out closing the door

We will fight for you I said

Thanks Adam said

We wants to do baby graces laundry I asked

Adam POV
I walked to the barn and I sat on top of the truck as tears fell down my face

Adam Jillian said

I sat up

What? I asked

We need to do truck cleaning Jillian said

I jumped down

Your the newbie I said

I don't care about rank here we're all in this together Captain Copper said

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