Ch.25 Fighting

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We took walk around the hospital soon my stomach was rumbling

Then Justin asked me a question the struck me

Would you consider carrying my baby for me? Justin asked

Of course I love you so much I said

I needed to go to the bathroom so we walked to my room so I could go to the bathroom

After five minutes I walked out

I got dressed I was able to leave the hospital

We headed to the station not home

Oh isn't are baby sister Jones said

Stop I said

How you feeling? Evans asked me

Great I didn't see you on the lobby I said

Why you betrayed me? Evans said

Me what are you talking about? I asked

You ratted me out Evans said

We're not having this conversation you damn right when you did was wrong I said

I went to my locker and put my stuff on it

I saw a new name on the tile

Trevor the name read

Oh new firefighter I thought to myself

I walked to the kitchen to get a snack because I haven't eaten real food just the hospital disgusting food which make me sicker then it should

Hey I'm back I said

How you feeling? Everett asked

Pretty tired but I'm fine I said

You saved that girl Everett said

I was just doing my job I don't hail myself a hero I said

Wesley kid a voice said

And you must be I asked

Trevor Hunter He said

The chief son I said

You've met my dad Trevor said

He seems like an okay guy I said

Watch what you say Chief Alfred said

I smiled

So why is Wesley daughter still at the station even though you dad passed away Trevor said

Dude incentive much Everett said

Daniel is my dad I said

You copper as a dad he must harsh on you Trevor said

He tough because he wants the best out of you trust me he always have the best intent I said taking gulp of water with getting pissed off

Trevor left

Really I said

What? Justin asked me

Trevor I know him very well he almost killed my best friend I said

What? Everett asked me

Before I had anxiety attack I went to middle school

Flashback POV
Me and Katie were very close friend like buddy and she came from rough family but she was only fifth grade and I was 1st grader but we became fast friend. Sharing our bond over having a firefighter dads. He had an 8th boyfriend and they got pregnant

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