Ch.24. Too close to reality

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The voices of the doctor tears fell down my face.

Justin I cried

I'm here Justin said kissing my cheek

Tell me what happen? Justin asked

Grace here saved a girl while risking her life The doctor said

This why I don't like firefighting I said

I pulled my mask off

I saved a girl I said coughing

She has smoke inhalation The doctor said

We're gonna take your to CT the nurse said

I nodded

3rd POV
Everyone sat in the lobby pacing nervous about there friend who risked her life for the safety of the girl

There comes a fuming chief

Chief Alfred POV
I thought this Station more sane I guess I was wrong I said

Don't shit on Grace if your don't know her story Bella said

Jones don't tell me what to do I said

Grace is blessing would rather have her not try at all and the person died. At least the person isn't dead she sacrificed her life to save another Jones said

Don't speak before you say something you'll regret Micheal said

Grace POV
I was feeling better when I woke up

Justin is waiting for me

Hey I said

You scarred me but I'm glad that you saved a life Justin said

I wasn't gonna let that kid die you kidding I said

Hey Justin can you give me second to talk with her Daniel said

Yes Justin said

Hey Dad I checked out

I'm so glad your okay Dad said

Me too I said

I know you're trying to keep your dad memories alive but it risky job Dad said

I'm doing this is honor my dad I said

Adam would be excited but he would want proper training before you or someone else is serious hurt Dad said

What are you talking about? I asked

I'm pulling you off the team Dad said

What I love this job I said

We all this job but me and so many people know if you continue doing this without proper training you could or someone else could get killed. Look we almost lost you today Dad said

I don't care the job of firefighter is to risk there lives I said

Not if you don't have proper training Chief Alfred said

I'm doing this in honor my dad I said

Your creating a lawsuit for us Alfred said

But I didn't die I said

But what if you did I would feel terrible Alfred said

I'm doing if for the fate of heart you think. I'm terrified every time I got into a house in flames. There will never be another Adam Wesley ever if I quit his legacy died I said

But we will keep your father name alive and you go get the proper training Dad said

Any company would be lucky to have a Wesley on there team Alfred said

Can I still work at the station? I asked

Of course but you won't go on calls only answer phone calls Dad said

But if medical comes through I'm trained in that  I said

Fine sure but no more near death calls anymore Dad said

Deal I said

But you do earn the Angle Award for your courageous act Alfred said

I don't deserve it give to the station I said

Your sacrificed your life Alfred said

It mainly Adam I said

But he dead Dad said

When I ran into that building. I wasn't alone. When the building collapsed I saw this bright light from firefighters light and I followed it out. And I looked there no one behind me. Really it was my dad leading me out the reason why I was able to do anything without breaking down crying I said wiping  the tears away

Well we got your test results back from the MRI you have fractured rib The doctor said

Can I go home now? I asked

You never stop and breathe Dad said

No get some much needed rest The doctor said

Great I said

Justin POV
I was finally able to go to be Grace after an hour

Keep here please Captain Copper said

You got it I said

I entered the room

Hi I said

I'm tired I need you Grace said

I heard your dad reprimand you I said

I just agreed not to on responding to fire anymore which will be impossible for me to do I'm like my dad no illness or telling not to do something makes me do even more Grace  said

I'm not gonna bury someone else especially not you I  said

Grace POV
I didn't want to bond to my bed but I promise my dad

Justin slept on the bed next to me as the machine beep

Can we turn these off Im not gonna died at blink of light I said laugh

This is why we can't keep still Justin said

You'll help I said winking

Go to sleep Justin said

I soon was asleep but the nurse checked on me and I was pissed off

You know as long as my heart beat you don't have to check on me I said

Well I need to do my job The nurse said

In the morning there breakfast waiting for me

Good morning sweetie Justin said kissing me as we made out

Am I interrupting something? The nurse said

Sorry I said

Have you passed a stool or pass gas the nurse said

No I said

Well your Doc required it The nurse said

Do I really? I asked

No question doubt you'll fight The nurse said

Please I won't to go home? I asked

Take a walk it'll get your stomach moving The nurse said

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