Chapter 46*

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*Two years Later*

"I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!" Ben and I scream out the window at the top of our lungs down town. "I NEVER HIT SO HARD AT LOVE!"

"Please make it stop.." Noah whines plugging his ears while Dale laughs in the drivers seat.

"Your an amazing singer babe." Dale kisses my cheek as I sit in my seat.

"Best damn singer ever." I correct and he chuckles agreeing. The past two years have been the best years of my life. Dale and I started dating again three months into me joining them. We traveled to almost every state and life has been better then ever with these idiots.

"Your birthday is coming up.." Dale smirks and I sigh.

"Please don't do anything stupid." I beg. Last year we went to mcdonalds, cause who doesn't love it, and we got kicked out within five minutes because the boys were dancing on the tables singing One Direction songs to me. I didn't even get the mcflurry I paid for.

"You know you loved our singing." He states smugly and I scoff.

"Not as good as Ben and I together." I shoot back. In the background I hear Noah and Ben fighting over who's turn it is to go to the bathroom first and I shake my head smiling.

"You know its going to be your 21st birthday. We should go clubbing." He suggests excitedly and I nod in agreement, sounds fun. I climb back to the small kitchen and sit at the foldable table where my Doritos from earlier sat.

"Tris your phone is ringing!" Noah yells and I smack him. He is literaly 2 feet away from me.

"Dipwat, hand me it." I say putting another handful of Doritos in my mouth. I look at the caller I.D. and its unknown.

"Hello?" I answer curiously.

"Tris?" A squeal comes and I pull the phone away from my ear. Woah.

"Um who's this?" I ask confused on who knows me and my number.

"Oh um its Christina. You do remember me right?" Christina? From School? We stopped talking a few months after I left.

"Hey Chrissy! Of course I remember you." I say suprised and Noah looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Dang girl, we haven't talked in forever." She groans. I do miss talking to her.

"I know right? How is everyone?"

"Good... kinda. Uriah and Marlene go to the same college and I'm sure they are still together, Zeke and Shauna go to the same college and I think they broke up after graduation, Cole and Toni are closer then ever, Four....." Christina trails off in realization and I chuckle.

"Christina, that was highschool, I moved on from him." I tell her amused and I hear her sigh.

"I wish I could say the same." She mumers and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Don't tell me he is still in 'love' with me.." I moan.

"Tris.. I believe he was in love and still is. When you left he shut himself out from the group and I'm pretty sure he hasn't moved on with life, for all I know he is probably still living in that run down apartment he got of his." She says and I frown. Did I really cause him that much pain?

"Christina, I thought I was in love then, but that was my innocent highschool life. Sooner or later Four would've got tired of me." I try and explain.

"I didn't call to fight. I actually called to tell you something..." She starts to get excited.


"Will proposed last night!!!!!!!" Christina yells and my eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh really?!?! Ahhhhhh! Can I be your bridesmaid?? When's the wedding?" I rant and earn weird looks from the boys.

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