Chapter 1

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Poland POV:

Today's the day! I know I may sound happy but I shouldn't. It's May 5, the day they called off the search for Mexico. He was my best friend and I was devastated when they pronounced him dead when they quit looking for him.

I got on the black tux that used to belong to Mexico. We are gonna visit his grave today to pay respects. Which reminded me, I forgot the flowers! I usually get him Poppy's and yellow roses. Two of his favorite colours!

I got to the flower shop and got the flowers from Ireland. He's really nice, not much of a talker though. When I left his shop America and Russia were waiting in Americas SUV outside for me. I got into the front and looked back to see Russia, Soviet, and Ukraine in the back seat.

Soviet sat in the middle of course to make sure that Russia doesn't tear Ukraine apart. I lighted smiled at Soviet which he returned and America started driving to the graveyard.

It took around 10-20 minutes since it's near the outskirts of town. We all got out and headed to the grave. When we got to the tombstone I got down on my knees and place the flowers down crying.

America came up behind me and knelt down while rubbing my back too. We were both crying and Ukraine joined us. Russia and Soviet were praying for Mexico, but not crying as much as us three.

We soon left after a good hour. We all got into the car and went back to the house. I was staying with America until my house was rebuilt after JAPAN decided to nuke it when I didn't agree with her! Neko Japan could have stopped it but she didn't! I thought we were friends!

I ran up to Mexico's old room which I was staying in and laid out on his bed while remembering all the good times we had together. Mexico had to be my favorite! He was just too nice.

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