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     I feel like I should start at the beginning, but... I cant even remember how it started. do I start from when he made me realize he was the person infront of me for years I wasn't ever paying attention to? The time period where I noticed buttons on my smartphone were disappearing as I try post scantily clad video on the internet in my spear time, nothing crazy just a bikini. 

     I guess I'll start there, I had spare time during the 2020 year with great privilege to lounge around and not worry about money, or finding a job. I got to sit around, around for hours in the sun on a hammock with a navy hammock cover, in the yellow, sunny Florida , smoke a little, and fuck off doing whatever I please. I never worried about anyone, really. It almost seemed forced to care for some people, they never wanted to make themselves happy. Always in some sort of self pity, foreshadowing. I finally had a chance to do anything I wanted, no work schedule, no technical financial restrictions (not that I had an outrageous spending problem) I just had saved enough extra money to where I could take time to enjoy life for a while.

     I was filming a popular dance to some stupid song on the next social platform, not for fame, but being stupid when I know no one cared was fun, when I wanted to refilm it, I noticed the time mark stamps at the top of the screen had disappeared so I yelled at my phone, "You stupid bitch...put the buttons back!" I had exclaimed. It started as a joke. obviously no one was hacking my phone. I barely got any attention in all my school years, having a gorgeous blonde best friend takes the attention from you, which I didn't mind. I didn't see her as competition, or anyone for that matter. And just like my mother had said when I went to her and my dad sobbing about this "hacking". She had said herself exclaiming, "YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL ENOUGH TO STALK?!" 

     She was right, but this didn't make me feel special and that didn't change the fact of what I was seeing.

Stalked psychosis: memories from the same dreamWhere stories live. Discover now