Memory 4

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      My desperation to be heard made things worse. My immediate family was concerned about my behavior even though to me it was just driving, sitting on my phone on the porch, or sitting in my room on my phone. My sister had even "secretly recorded" me when I was trying to explain the light on my smart phone is green when the camera was off. I will admit this was a more hectic night bc things were so obvious and no one would listen. I would be off my camera and the green light would be on, I had to Google that. When I went inside show show them, I was talking directly to the camera because it was real at that point.

I opened my phone like regular to show them, and I got pop-up notification saying something about a breach from the video entertainment app. I click for it to go away, it pops back up. I click it more aggravated, and another pop-up. I aggravatedly dismiss the pop-up about 15 times before it stops popping up. I stopped the recording before it got to the weirdest part.

The computer talked. I know but wait, after all that had happened I grabbed my moms computer to look something up. When I open the computer, there's a page telling you to put in your email and password with no skip button, and tell my family this just saying how weird it was . I looked at my mom and showed her, she hit the back button and then clicked just to get to that same email page . Logging in with email wasn't essential for the program it was asking for. She agreed it was weird and turned the computer to look at it, it wasn't a big deal, it just wasn't normal. when she leans in, a male robotically generated voice says,

"Put In You E-mail."

I flinch. I've never seen a computer talk without user force. My eyes went wide with my natural assumption that he had hacked the computer as well. They had told me to calm down, but how could you at the point. I had seen so much, and there were actual conversations I was having. No one cared about what I had to say. and spun the computer back to me and look at the computer camera and said "What the fuck?". I turned the computer completely off, let it sit for a minute and turned it back on. It resumed to the same email entry page but now there was the "skip" button. I turned it to show my mom as I was astonished. She just kept on with the crazed stare.

I couldn't even finish the video because I was so disturbed about her point of view for the video. Also offended, that she chocked it up to me being crazy. The video just highlighted my annoyance of no one taking me serious. This stranger, or person I think is real, could want to kidnap me, kill me, or just deeply harm me in some way, and that could have been the last video of me. Me trying to tell them to save me, and they didn't.

Meanwhile in The Second Round a video on the entertainment app, I assumed that was another way he was trying to get me to notice, throwing my name up and the person who I suspected wanted attention. I got a video on the Home Page and a pretty blonde girl using an old style box computer fixing her hair, except the video was from someone on the other side of the monitor.

Watching her, watch herself.

The video continues with the guy laughing, almost a giggle. He spoke into a microphone which translated to a robot-like voice saying, "You look fine." Then you watched her face transform into the shocked, slack-jawed look I that night. 

Stalked psychosis: memories from the same dreamWhere stories live. Discover now