Chapter 9

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Karl made his way to his room and took a shower, thinking about Mallory as always. She is on his mind even when he needs to think about other things. He showered and put on a pair of jogging pants,a tank top, and shoes. He sprayed his cologne and went out into the hall to see her standing on the other side talking to a maid. 'She looks hot. That woman can wear anything and look hot, like her in that towel earlier with her hair dripping down her neck', he got turned on majorly from that, he wanted to rip it off and just look at her beautiful body. He gets lost in his own mind when he sees any part of her skin exposed. She waves her hand in front of his face.

"Hello, are you with me?" She asked to bring him back to reality.

"Yea sorry, just thinking. Ready?"

"Yes." He takes her to the ballroom and she looks amazed.

"My gosh it's like a fairy tale. My whole life feels like one since I got here." She says turning around.

"It's just getting started. You will always be a Princess so get used to it darling." He says walking toward her, wanting to grab her and kiss her so he takes her in his arms and she gasps at the force when their bodies touch.

"Karl." She says with a giggle. He leans his head down and kisses her softly.

"Now, let's start." He says as he's trying to catch his breath, she nods. He hits play on the music player and the sound fills the room. He tells her which way to go and what steps to take and guides her through as best he can, but she picks it up rather easily. It doesn't surprise him that she's a natural, she does sing and is very talented. They go through the dance a few times before she wants to take a break.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yea, I just need some water." He hands her a bottle of water and they sit down and take a break.

"You're doing really well. Have you had any kind of training with dance like this?"

"No, I've had to pick up steps quickly when I would perform so it's easy to put my focus onto the steps when I'm being shown. Dance isn't an easy thing for me, it didn't come natural as singing did so I had to pay more attention to dance but as I got older, it became easier. I just don't know how to do formal dances, yet. You're a really good teacher."

"Thank you. I can do these steps in my sleep, being in this life forever is how I know how to do them. The dance you do, I have no training in that."

"Well how about I teach you? We can do a formal dance and a fun one at the party?"

"That sounds like a good idea. It would put a spin on the formality of the party. Are you going to be able to do that though, being pregnant?" She sighs.

"I didn't even think about that. I guess formal dances it is. It's safer right now. I need to go see a doctor, I have to go for my fourth month check-up."

"Ok well first things first, you need to tell someone, so they can help you find one."

"I know. After the party I will."

"Ok. Shall we continue?" "Yes." They go back to the middle of the room and do the dance a few more times. 'She is such a wonderful woman'. As he's thinking this, she falls to the floor.

"Mallory!" He shouts as he tries to catch her. "Hey Mallory! Can you hear me?! Help!!" He shouts and a few seconds later people come running in.

A few hours later she's in the hospital and still not awake. He had to repeat what happened he doesn't know how many times and had to tell people that she's pregnant. He's sitting next to her bed holding her hand, praying she wakes up soon. He closes his eyes and the next thing he knows, "Karl." he hears a soft voice and opens his eyes and sees she's awake.

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