chapter 26

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Enzo pov

I was happy when we finished the deal therefore I can go to my Peach.I have ain't spend an hour without her,she is always with my even when I am having meetings to attend.This meeting was my mafia I could not take her to that dark world

I drove like a maniac,I missed my love,she is the light in my world,got home in 15 minutes and the drive was 45 minutes I am so happy ,I bought her flower different kinds course she loved them mixed

When I got to the hall that lead to the dinning room I hear Peach crying loud I ran to find Elijah's friend trying to rape her,she is cover in blood looks like she was fighting she was saying sorry and asking for him to forgive her

I kicked him in the face repeatedly I made sure his is alive but I knocked him out, where are those guards I am going to kill them all.I never seem her cry before and I hate it.I don't know how to make her better

And she can't stop I would never tell her to stop what she went through is hard.I got mad at Elijah how can he leave Peach with his friend I told him not to leave her alone

I can't believe that stupid guard saw her cry for help and did nothing I am going to enjoy killing him. Now Peach is sleeping,I called Elijah

"Where are you?"I asked him "Hello to you t......."he did not finish what he was going to say "I asked you where you are I don't care how you are now where are you"I said

"I am about to pull up in our home why a..."I hang up I did not care what he was going to say next,hear people talk and fewer minutes later I hear footsteps

"Is Sharlot fine?"he asked with so much worry in his eyes"What were you thinking leaving her with your creep friend,I asked you nicely to not leave her with anyone and where you go take her" I said feeling like I failed to keep my promise I said no harm will come her way

"I don't know I thought that he is fine he never did anything like that shit"he said "you are right he should have a tattoo saying I am a sex offender in his forehead" I said looking at him with hatred,he walks next to Peach,just when he touches her hand she shoots up

"Sharlot I am sorry that I let him near you"he said looking sad "it's okay but I would like to go home now Enzo"she said walking to take our suitcase,I got someone to pack your things while Peach was sleeping

"Bye E hope to see you again someday,is their other way out of your home ?"she looking at me "yes let's go"taking our suitcases giving Elijah a look saying I am going to kill him

We left,I did not take any guards every guard that was on duty today will getting delivered to me,I am going to enjoy killing them.The guy that tried raping my queen is hang upside down on a plane right now

It was late so we walked straight to our bedroom,Peach has not said one word,I want to hear her voice so bad.She got to our room and she breaks her phone then goes to sleep

The whole week was horrible for Peach,she would wake up screaming then she would not go to sleep again.It was hard seeing her like this,she does not sleep anymore scared she will have nightmares

As we are sleeping Peach wakes up screaming hugging me like her life depends on it "Enzo make it stop please I don't want to do this again"she said crying

"Do you want sleeping pills"I said hugging her to make her feel safe "Yes,I will go get them myself"she said walking to the bathroom

I waited fewer minutes okay I have wait long enough "Peach what is taking you so long"I said entering the bathroom,I got scared for the first time I feel like my soul left my body to see what is in front of me

Peach was laying lifeless,what was she thinking I picked her up opened the toilet seat put my finger in her mouth so she can throw up,she start throwing up.She starts crying and I hugged her rocking her body.I picked her laying in the bed


It has been hard but Peach has come along way but she is better,she is more alive and carefree today she is meeting Chris.I don't care that he is man,Peach made me believe and see that she loves me and only me,she is not a cheater

I am going to handle some business from my mafia everytime I would handle then through my laptop,she likes playing 'Look at her now by Selena Gomez' she said she can relate to it

"Enzo can you get me some chips"she said we are in the our bedroom,I don't know what it is with my wife,she always tells me what to get her like she does not have legs yes it was fun before now she is doing extra "Anything else Peach" I said walking out

"I am not sure"she said watching Rick and Morty,I hate when she does that I would go downstairs then she just remembered what she forgot to tell me what and to get it

But I love her that I will do it if it pleases her.........

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