Part 1 - Shame and Reflections

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A/N: If there are any typos or mistakes or something doesn't make sense, please don't feel bad for replying! I encourage you to point out my mistakes <3

Wednesday, October 1st, 1993. The day before the Bologna Incident.[Travis' POV]  (yes, I'm aware it was a Friday, pretend it was a Wednesday)

>>>> I took a seat on the bleacher as I waited, then turning my head to see the clock. Damn, only 5:15, I have time to go to the library. I thought to myself, standing back up then heading out the gymnasium. 

>>>> Sitting down at an empty table, I decided to observe those in the library. In the corner were Franny and her girlfriend making out. I watched as Franny's girlfriend slid her hand up Franny's side and grabbed her boob. I cringed, turning away.  In another corner were two people I didn't know the names of. The girl had her hand in the guys pants as he moaned softly. How the hell do people do that shit in public, I asked myself. I pulled open my backpack and pulled out my notebook. I decided to write more to my story. 

>>>> He punched the mirror hoping he could break the horrid reflection that lay before him. He waved his arms hoping to do something. Something that would make a change. He also waved his arms to find something, anything, anything at all. He looked in the mirror, he noticed a beautiful figure aproaching him. The figure stood against him. Pressing it's bulge against his ass. He shivered in enjoyment, though a lurking feeling of shame lay deep inside him, slowly making its way out. The figure grabbed his sides and slowly lowered it's hands to his thighs. He moaned softly, wanting more. While knowing he wanted what he couldn't have, he pushed himself closer into the figure when he felt something real go inside of him. He yelped. The shame became bigger inside of him. However, the enjoyment overloaded the shame. "F-FUCK!" He shouted, hoping the figure would pound down on him. The thought of  someone dominating him aroused him. His pants grew tight. He looked into the reflection seeing himself held tight by the figure. Once he looked carefully he began to see who or what the figure was. It was a man. A beautiful man, with long brown hair. The figure had an attractive gapped smile. He quickly realized what was happening. He was not trapped in this void with only his horrid reflection. He was in a bathroom, a school bathroom, having sex with someone. How could this have happened? How could he have let this happen. His shameful thoughts were demolished when he felt soft plump wet lips plant themselves onto his neck. He realized who he was with. He realized this was the man he wanted to be with. The man he wanted to belong to. He realized who he was. He realized he was happy. He-

>>>> I had just a couple words left of my story when I felt someone sit down at the table I was sat at. 

>>>> "Sorry, there were no other seats.. At least ones I wanted to sit in." 

>>>> I looked up to see Larry Johnson sat diagonally from me. I furrowed my eyebrows, to seem resistant to the idea, though he payed no attention to me. He just starting drawing something on a piece of notebook paper. Searching my surroundings again, I realized the library had gained many more people. Though, I found nearly empty tables all around, so I wondered why he chose to sit here of all places. 

>>>> "Why cant you sit somewhere else?" I asked, judgingly.

>>>> "This is the only table that someone slightly tolerable is sitting at. " He said, looking up to make eye contact with me. My heart dropped into my stomach, I darted my eyes away quickly trying to avoid said eye contact. I felt judging eyes staring at me. 

>>>> "Well, now I have to sit with someone annoying," I lied, not meaning any bit of it.

>>>> "You'll live," He said, going back to his drawing.

Shameful Behavior // LarvisWhere stories live. Discover now