Part 4 - Hot Empty Roads (1/2)

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A/N: Posting this just to get chapters out, there is most likely spelling errors or miswritten words. I'm trying to feed y'all so forgive me! <3

May 28th, 1994. 2:34 pm.

The blazing sun burned my sweaty olive skin. I lugged my foot in front of the other. Again. Slowly dragging my feet forward. My toes curling inside my socks as my sandals scraped against the concrete. I sighed in relief as I stepped under the overhead roof in front of the Addison Apartments. After taking a moment to absorb the coolness of the shade, I twisted the cold doorknob. 

As the elevator doors opened, I nearly leaped inside. The steel walls instantly cooling my body as I leaned against them. I pulled out my wallet, soon after slipping out the keycard to the basement floor. I sluggishly inserted the card. Once I arrived in the refreshingly chilly hallway I noticed Chug Cohen. 

"Hey what's up, man?" I nodded, walking to the rather large boy sitting beside the empty vending machine.

"Yo! Hey Trav," He fiddled with his fingers slightly as he gave me a gentle smile. "Y'know I'm started to think this thing won't ever be filled.

"Haha, yeah. I feel like your always down here and that thing is never even slightly full." I laugh, crossing my arms. 

"Speaking of, I'm heading up now. It was nice seeing you, Travis!" He hopped out of his seat, waving as he left. 

"See ya," I smiled to myself. I have nice friends, I thought to myself before knocking on the door that read "1B". Light gentle feet headed towards the door. A beautiful tall woman answered the door.

"Hi hon, how are ya?" Lisa spoke, stepping aside to let me in.

"Hey Lisa, I'm good. Uh- How are you?" I asked, nervously crossing my arms.

"I'm good," She paused, nodding. "Larry's right in his room, go right in!"

"Thanks," I laughed. 

Loud music cursed my ears as I entered Larry's cave. "Ew," I whined, closing the door behind me. "Take a fucking shower, reeks of BO in here!"

Larry was sat on a stool in front of a canvas. "Shut the fuck up!~" He sang. I chuckled throwing my bag down on his bed and laying beside it. 

When he smiled, two small dimples formed on either side of his mouth. He was lost in his painting, I was lost in his eyes. They were so deep and bold. The eyes say so much about a person, the eyes really are the window to the soul.

"What's up, loser?" He laughs, still focused on his painting. When I didn't respond he looked over. A smile stuck ever so slightly still on his face. "Travis?"

"I'm bored," I admit.

"Heh, man." He laughs returning his focus to the painting ahead of him. "It's nice."


"Being done with High school." He drops his pant brush in a jar of water. The clear water being colored by the excess dark blue that still resided on the tip of the paint brush. 

"Yeah, I feel you, bitch." I chuckled.

He stood up. I sat up. My legs crossed, hands in lap. He placed his boney hands on my face, brushing my now long messy hair out of my face. He leaned down wrapping his arms around me. Eventually, I found myself laid down on the bed fully with him embracing me from above. I returned the hug. 

"I love you," He mumbled into my collarbone. I felt him laugh.

"I know," I said with a smug smile. "I guuessss I like you too, just a little though."

We laid together like that for a bit. It was nice. Despite the scorching heat, his warm body felt nice against me. 

After awhile, excitement rushed inside of me. Suddenly I pushed Larry off of me. He was now beside me. 

"Get your fucking bike, let's get some shit from Philip's." 

Philip, a friend of mine's, family has a gas station right before the main town square. It's a nice little nook and hangout place. It's pretty cool. 

As the sun began to set, and the moon rose, I sat on the hard concrete with Larry. 

He was smoking some grass, looking as chill as usual. His hair pulled bag into a high ponytail. His overgrown bangs stuck to his wet forehead. He was wearing a loosely fitted black and bleached tank top that completely revealed his armpit and side. It had some skull-angel-thingy design on it. Something he painted on. He had on dark green cargo shorts that fell just above his knees. He had on brown converse with high off-white socks that were rolled down from running. His shoe laces were worn and ripped, AND untied. He looked completely lost. Almost as if he was in a whole different world.

"You okay, Lar?" I asked, kicking his foot.

"Hah? Ah, yeah." 

"You sure?"


I scooted closer to him.

"What is it..?"

"Do you.. ever feel like life is moving too fast..?"

"Well, yeah. Sure."

" I feel like I'm doing something wrong. With everything, I mean. Sal and Todd are trying to rush through high school, they have this plan to buy a house and whatever. I just feel so far behind."

"Larry, your 18 years old. You don't have  to buy a house. You have five more years until you even need to consider."

"That's not what I mean."


"All my friends have big plans for the future. They all know what to do. I am graduated from high school and I have no clue where to go."

"Well, what do you want to do, like for a career?"

"I have no fuckin clue man, that's the problem." He sighed, tears forming in his eyes. "I feel so lost."

"Just take things slow. You really aren't in a rush, even though it feels like it."

He buried his face in his knees. I pulled him to me, giving him someone to hug. My neck stung as tears flooded down his face and onto it. His wails muffled by my shoulder. I pulled his head forward so I could lean my face against it calmly. He wiped his eyes. My heart ached as his pretty face looked up at me, broken. My hand caressed the side of his face.

"Can we go now?" He sniffled standing up, he threw down his used joint and crushed it with his shoe. 

"Yeah, it's getting dark anyway."

The warm summer air brushed against us as we petaled through empty streets. The roads were blocked by trees. A few cars passed us. A few cars turned into many as we biked closer and closer and slowly arrived in the main town square. We moved from the streets to the road, Larry pedaling fast as I struggled to keep up behind him. We passed by a couple stores. The bustling town, beeping and chirping as we passed through.

There are some people in your life, that just make everything better. Larry was that person for me. He changed my life. He changed me. I can't even start to imagine a world or reality without him.  I can't stand to see him anything other than his very best. I care about his wellbeing more than my own. I would do whatever he wants. I love him so much. 

It's safe to say,

"I love you."

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