3. always

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"I will tell you a fairytale" a hoarse and quiet voice rebounded on the walls of the spacious cave. Fluorescent mushrooms dispersed the darkness, throwing a frail, blue light on a lonely character that was lying huddled on the stone ground. "But please, don't laugh, okay? I created it from pieces of my dreams, so it may be a bit without sense."

The silence that followed was soon broken by drops of green liquid running down the cave walls. These fell straight into small puddles, although occasionally one or two would stray and come into contact with the glowing mushrooms. Then these plants would lose their shine and disintegrate into dust.

"Of course, don't worry. The new story is always the entertainment" the same voice sounded much different than earlier, it was soft and delicate. "You can speak."

From the throat of the lonely character, a quiet murmur sounded. They adjusted their long, wide robes so that they covered their bony, pale limbs thoroughly. They stretched their hand out in front of them and cringed, as if displeased. A moment later, they curled up so tightly that they resembled a cloth-covered ball.

"Well, then listen. As there is this rock by the shore, there is a great kingdom of tiny mushrooms in this rock. Two mushrooms - a blue one and a green one were.... They were often with each other. Yes, exactly. They... They fought a lot with the evil big mushrooms. These big mushrooms were taking the other little ones like this.... Uh... Dots like that, you know, like on these mushrooms that they have dots like that around, that's exactly what the dots are about. Do you understand?"

The owner of the voice scratched attached to their face a mask, leaving another of the many black streaks on its violet surface. The numerous stains were already slowly covering the violet colour, as well as the white cherry blossoms adorning the mask.

"Yes, I understand."

An increasingly powerful, wheezing wind blew through the narrow entrance to the cave. The chill made even the mushrooms fade, and the water running down the rocks slowed down.

"So, these two small mushrooms bravely fought, but the commander of Big Mushrooms killed one of them."

Again there was a long, almost absolute silence. After less than a minute, the figure moved restlessly, accidentally slipping the hood off his head, which had previously covered bright, shoulder-length hair sprinkled with streaks of gray.

"So what next?"


"So what next with the story?"

"I've already finished. One of the mushrooms died and that's it."


The emaciated, pathetic figure sat down, leaning against one of the stones. She removed her mask to scratch at her annoyingly itchy skin. Her dull violet eyes only had time to fill with tears before the mask spontaneously returned to its place with such force that it pushed its owner's head back. A quiet moan sounded, followed by a loud sob echoing off the walls.

Meanwhile, outside the cave, the wheezing wind continued to blow, stirring the black, turbulent waters of the Dark Sea.


The weather was unusually calm that day. A slender, though tall figure crawled out of a tiny cave between the rocks, looking around in uncertainty. Nearby, to their surprise, no danger lurked. Positively surprised, they removed a piece of tattered, dirty cloth from their head. Fluorescent plants, of which there was no shortage around, illuminated the exposed face.

It belonged to a young man. Dirty and scarred, it was a pitiful sight. Protruding cheekbones and chapped lips left no doubt about the conditions in which this man lived. A flickering gleam lurked in his violet eyes, as if, despite his calm surroundings, a powerful storm was brewing in the depths of that violet.

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