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Oscar and Rue quickly navigated their way to their designated table, finding their name cards and quickly taking a seat as the ceremony began.

"Now remember, it's live tv, don't trip when you walk up the stairs to accept your award" Oscar teased.

Rue shoved her elbow discreetly into his ribs, "asshole. Bold of you to assume I'll also win. I'm literally up against the greatest female actors of this generation"

"Oh sure you'll win" a voice from behind her perked up, "have you even watched yourself? You're amazing"

Oscar started laughing as he saw his other best friend approach them. Pedro found his name card beside Rue and took a seat.

"I'm Pedro, I don't believe this loser told you about me" he teased to Oscar.

Rue snorted, "oh, this loser has definitely told me about you. You're actually all he talks about, he's obsessed" rue smirks.

"Ok, I would just like to reiterate that I am happily married" Oscar defended himself.

Rue giggled into her champagne glass as the arena started to quiet down. Although she noticed that Pedro was smirking at her discreetly.

"Oh, mi amigo, te estas avergonzando a ti mismo" Rue tutted, paying attention to the presenter.

Pedro perked up from beside her, "you can speak Spanish?"

Rue put her fingers together creating a tiny gap, "barely, my friend Alexa speaks Spanish so she teaches me small phrases"

"It's impressive"

"What did you call me in Spanish can I ask?" Oscar frowned, feeling bullied from the two of his friends.

"She called you a jackass" Pedro teased.

Rue accidentally let out a loud chuckle which earned a few looks from other tables, "I said you're embarrassing yourself"

The sound of someone coughing distracted the trio, Rue looked up and felt her heart stop when she saw her ex infront of her.

"Rue, you look amazing. How are you?" Sebastian questioned.

Rue let out a scoff as she took a sip of her champagne. Oscar stood up to confront him, even though he was a lot shorter and less intimidating than Sebastian.

"She has nothing to say to you, asshole" Oscar spat, "get lost, your face is ruining my night"

Sebastian scoffed as he rubbed a frustrated hand over his jaw, "good to see you too, Oscar"

Rue grabbed the cuff of Oscar's sleeve and pulled him down gently, trying not to cause a scene.

"He's right Sebastian, I really have nothing to say to you"

"Rue?" He scoffed in disbelief, "baby, seriously?"

Rue stood up in anger and disgust, pointing a finger into Sebastian's chest, "I am not your baby anymore. You lost that privilege the second you decided to start a relationship with some whore while I was looking after my dying mum" rue scoffed, "you know what? I don't even have the energy to waste my breath on you"

Rue sat back down and Sebastian's nostrils started flaring out of anger, the thought of being staged up humiliated him to say the least. He licked his lips and chewed on it hard, absorbing the insult he just received.

"And you know what, Rue?" Sebastian smirked devilishly, "I don't regret a second when I was shagging her and not supporting you. I hope you thought of me at her funeral" he hissed.

Both Oscar and Pedro shot up the second he insulted her, ready to do whatever needs to happen in order to get him away. Sebastian put his hands up in a cocky defence. "Never expected you to have 2 older guys on the go, either" he taunted as he looked between Oscar and Pedro, "looks like you're not so innocent, either. See you at the after party, huh?" He chuckled as he walked away before a scene could be made.

"What a fucking piece of shit" Oscar spat as he and Pedro sat back down.

"Are you ok?" Pedro frowned as he placed a hand on her back and leant towards her.

"It's nothing compared to what he was like in our actual relationship" Rue half-heartedly scoffed, "can't believe I wasted 4 years of my life on such a low life piece of scum. But, thank you for defending a stranger" she chuckled lightly, swigging the rest of her champagne.

"You're not a stranger, you're my best friends, best friend" Pedro joked, "besides, he's told me a lot about you"

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