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"And the Oscar for best female lead goes too..."

Rue gripped Oscar's hand with a very sweaty one and could feel nothing but her heart beating.

"Rue Lawley with Little Women!"

They gasped as she covered her mouth while the crowd erupted in cheers. Oscar engulfed her and planted a kiss straight on her forehead as he cheered louder than anyone.

"You did it!"

Pedro stopped clapping as he held his hand out for Rue to stand up, she took it nonchalantly and he placed a hand on her waist as he kissed her cheek.

"Congratulations, querida" he whispered into her ear as he escorted her to the main walk way, weaving her through the tables.

Rue walked up the stairs-without falling- and accepted the award as she stood on the podium. After the cheering eventually died down she spoke into the microphone.

"Wow" she chuckled, "I can't believe I've won my first Oscar" cheers erupted again and she chuckled to herself in disbelief, "I really just want to say a huge thank you to the amazing women I worked alongside making this film, my best friends; Oscar and Alexa, your continued support is never ignored. To my dad, I love you so much I know you're watching at home. I'd like to dedicate this award to my mum" cheers erupted yet again as she said that, which made tears come to her eyes, "I love you so much, mummy and I know you're watching down on me and I hope I made you proud, I aspire to become even half the amazing woman that you were. Thank you"

"I cannot believe you won it" Oscar beamed as they sat in the limousine to the after party, "I mean I can but I'm just so amazed"

"I know, im still in shock"

"Rue, it's such an achievement to win an Oscar for best female lead at 25 years old! Do you know how insane that is?"

"Stop it, I'll throw up if I think about it anymore. How far away is Pedro's house?"

"5 more minutes" Oscar shrugged, "I think he likes you, you know" he teased.

"What?" Rue blushed, "shut up he doesn't, he's literally double my age"

"And? Nothing wrong with an age gap" Oscar teased, "as long as it's legal, I mean"

"Shut up" rue laughed, caressing her award.

"It's true! I was watching him, watching you. Speaking a little Spanish at each other" he winked. "I haven't seen him look at a girl like that before"

"Ok, Oski" rue scoffed, the limo pulling up, "I think you're getting ahead of yourself"

"I'm just saying! He's a sweetheart" he teased as they got out.

For Pedro being a 47 year old man, he sure can host a good party. An array of the finest and cheapest alcohol was scattered over the kitchen island, he had music thumping throughout the house, you could find the vibrations through your body.

"Bitch!" Alexa screamed as she found her best friend, "im so proud of you!"

The girls shared a hug and Alexa grabbed Rue faces with her hands, "your mom is watching you right now, she's so proud of you" Alexa whispered, "im so proud of you"

The girls shared a few tears between each other before Alexa shook her head, "no crying. We're celebrating you tonight!"

"How did you get here?" Rue frowned as they poured themselves a drink, Oscar had walked off to mingle with the fellow a listers.

"Oscar text me the address, he said you and Pedro had been hitting it off" she winked as they sipped their drinks.

Rue scoffed, "I really don't think it was like that...but I will admit he is ungodly attractive" she blushed as she hid her face in her cup.

Alexa squealed as she teased her friend, "I knew it!"

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