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"Alexa?" Rue slurred as she stumbled through Pedro's hallway, peering into all of the rooms upstairs. "Oscar?"

Between celebrating her Oscar and dancing the night away, Rue had ended up very very drunk. Oscar had left early to see his wife, Alexa was mingling with other celebrities and somehow Rue couldn't find her anywhere.

The entire time her and Alexa were dancing she felt eyes on her, everytime she looked up she saw Pedro admiring her from afar, drink in hand. Each time they locked eyes they didn't look away. Rue was just thankful that it was dark so nobody could see her blushing a crimson red.

Rue found a bathroom nearby and stumbled over, she sat on top of the toilet seat and sighed, sipping her vodka coke.

"I thought I'd find you somewhere" she heard a male voice speak.

Rue looked up and caught her breath in her throat when she saw Sebastian walking over, shutting the door behind them.

"What are you...doing here?" Rue slurred, "was my-was our conversation earlier not hint enough that I-i don't want to speak to you any-anymore" she hiccuped.

Sebastian, clearly not even half as drunk as Rue chuckled to himself, "you didn't say anything to me, baby. You're drunk" he caressed her cheek and held her hand as he pulled her up. He put his hands on her waist and moved her body so her back was leant against the sink, he closed the proximity between them and pushed his crotch on hers.

A hitch came to Rue's throat as she felt his growing member press against her.

"You're so pretty" he whispered as he held her cheek, "im so proud of you, baby"

Rue shook her head as she pushed him away, "fuck off, sebastian" even when she was drunk her British accent didn't disappear.

Sebastian suddenly clicked and followed her, grabbing her wrist as he aggressively yanked her back. "No! Goddamnit, Rue!" He growled as he grabbed her throat and gripped it tightly, "you're mine. You get that? You are mine. Forever. I didn't appreciate how you spoke to me tonight. And I didn't like watching Pedro hold you like that" he spat close to her face.

Rue started panicking now. He was choking her and his member was pressing even firmly into her.

"I can't breathe, Sebastian" she choked out.

"You need to apologise. There's one way you can say you're sorry" he smirked as he quickly unbuckled his belt.

"No, please" she cried.

"You know you want too, let me feel you, Rue" he whispered as he hoisted her gown up to her thighs.

He moved his hand to her underwear and pushed them to the side.

"HELP! SOMEBODY!" Rue sobbed.

"Shut up! Shut up you hear me?!" Sebastian yelled as he slapped her cheek and grabbed her jaw, "you're mine"

He moved his tuxedo pants down to his ankles before the door burst open.

Rue felt immediate release but quickly realised there was no more pounding music. No more flashing lights.

She saw Pedro storm in and the second he took in the scene; Sebastian's trousers down to his ankles, tightly gripping Rue's jaw, the handprint around her neck, the dress pulled up so her panties were in view, tears streaming down Rue's face.

"Piece of shit!" Pedro yelled as he leapt for Sebastian. Rue could smell alcohol on both Sebastian and Pedro's breath but it was probably nothing compared to how drunk she was.

Rue winced as a few hits from Pedro were plummeted into Sebastian's jaw, a security guard came in and Pedro stood upright, aggressively shoving him over to the guard.

"Get him out of here! I fucking told you he's not allowed in! And tell everyone the parties over" he spat.

The reality of it all suddenly hit Rue when Sebastian was escorted out. She looked over to Pedro who locked eyes and his expression immediately softened as he rushed over.

She hurried to pull her gown down to cover herself and started hysterically crying and she hyperventilated. She gripped onto Pedro's arm for any kind of support as her legs became unstable beneath her. Rue tried to form any coherent sentence but nothing except gasps came out.

"It's ok, it's ok. Don't say anything just breathe. You're okay, now. He's gone" Pedro hushed as he held her while they sunk to the floor. She let pedro hold her while she tried to wrap her head around the whole incident.

"He-he t-tried to-"

"I know, mi amor. I know" Pedro didn't need to hear the end of the sentence, he already knew. "You're ok now" he whispered.

After a few minutes of Pedro simply holding her on his bathroom floor, Rue had stopped crying heavily and light whimpers left her lips every now and then.

"Would you like me to call you a taxi? Or I can call Oscar?"

"Where's Alexa?" Rue whispered through her hoarse throat.

"She went home a couple hours ago, thought you had left too. You're more than welcome to stay in the spare room tonight, I have security here, you're safe"

All Rue could do was manage a light whimper as she nodded. Pedro stood up and helped Rue along with him. He escorted her to a spare bedroom and left the room, coming back minutes later with sweats.

"They're gonna be a little big on you but it's comfier than the dress" he nodded.

"Thank you" Rue smiled sheepishly.

Rue had excused herself to the en suite to get changed and came back out, Pedro stood waiting patiently.

"You need anything else? Some more pillows, blankets?" He questioned.

"Can you just...stay here until I fall asleep?" Rue whispered.

Pedro's heart broke at those words, and in that moment he'd do anything to protect Rue. They'd only officially known each other for 12 hours but the immense feelings that flooded him were overwhelming.

"Of course" he nodded as Rue climbed into the bed, he sat next to her on top of the covers, he put the tv on quietly in the background for some noise and waited for Rue to blissfully fall to sleep.

Lifeline. Pedro Pascal Where stories live. Discover now