Chapter 1: The First Day

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Bellas POV
It was the end of summer break and back to school once again but i wasn't in grade 8 anymore. As i woke up i thought, oh yeah... I'M GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL! Now the day when i had my Grade 6 Graduation i kept thinking, urgh now High School's gonna have more work than Elementary school, but now i have a feeling its gonna be great.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth but then my name was called by my mom.
"Bella! Wake up Troy!"
I shrugged and got outta the bathroom and into my brother's room.
"Troy! Wake up! First day of school!"
"Urgh! 1 more hour!"
"No get up you lazy potato!"
I walked outta his room and went back into my room to change. I took out my favourite blue plaid shirt and put a blue t-shirt under it. Then i took out my jeggings from my closet.
"Bella! Breakfast is ready!"
"Coming! Troy wake up! This is the last time i'm saying this! If i say it one more time i'm gonna smack you!"
Troy sat up.
"Urgh ok ok i'm up!"

I ran downstairs and then suddenly tripped on one of my brothers pair of shoes.
"Ow! Urgh! Troy learn to clean!"
I yelled then got up. I saw my mom help me up and as she checked for bruises i told her
"Mom i'm fine,"
"Ok, come on breakfast is ready."
I walked into the dining room and saw Troy come down the stairs. My mom put waffles on the table and the syrup.
"Urgh! Mom tell Bella to stop waking me up every morning!"
"No! You have to wake up or you'll be late for school."
"I don't wanna go to school!"
Mom and Troy talked about why we needed to go to school. It was annoying how Troy kept saying that same thing every morning! It finally ended and i finished my waffles. I stood up from my chair and went into the kitchen and looked through the cabinet for snacks for my lunch. Then i went to the fridge and took out bread, ham, ketchup, and lettuce to make a sandwich. Troy went into the kitchen to annoy me as usual. He's the weirdest person in my family. He always makes random sounds and dances like a monkey everywhere he goes. Its annoying! I tried to ignore him but then i was so annoyed and old mom to shut his mouth and stop annoying me.
"Thank you mom"
I thought to myself. It was 7:00am and grabbed my backpack and brought it to the living room and turned the TV on. As i was watching my show Troy walked by and grabbed the remote from me and changed the channel.
"Hey! I was watching that!"
"Yeah well too bad!"
I decided not to reply back and went upstairs to grab my school supplies, but then my mom said i didn't need my stuff yet until tomorrow so i just left them there and walked back downstairs. My mom said she would drop me off to school and my brother but since my school is closer i get to be dropped off first. It was time for me to go so she left my brother here to wait cause he doesn't start school until 9:00am so me and my mom left the house. She started the engine as i went into the car and drove off to school.

Churchill was a really big school but my mom says that Grand Park is better, but i just chose to go here cause it was closer to where i lived and it seemed like a cheerful school. The only thing i didn't believe was no bullying. Theres got to be at least a little bit of bullying in this school but didn't get caught. I ignored my thought about bullies and just walked to the front entrance. I saw a girl with short brown hair and was wearing shorts until her knees and had a black t-shirt. She stood there and waited for me to pass by her,
"Hey! Are you a new student here?"
She asked in a happy tone
"Yes i am"
"Well welcome to Churchill High School!"
She smiled and i smiled back. She directed me inside and walked me into the office. She told one if the workers there that i was a new student here
"Well she will have the same schedule as yours Katherin, so Bella is it? You will follow Katherin where ever she goes ok?"
"Yes ma'am"
She went into a small room to grab my schedule and then gave it to me. She waved goodbye to both of us and i waved back.
"Oh, sorry, i forgot to introduce my self. My name is Duran, Katherin Duran"
She put her hand up for a hand shake
"My name's Winston, Bella Winston"
I shook her hand and she smiled at me
"Thats a beautiful name!"
I laughed and so did she.
We walked back downstairs into the middle years hallway and Katherin led me to the very last room of the hallway. Katherin knocked on the door and the teacher opened it up.
"Hi Mr.O, this is Bella. Shes a new student"
He looked at me and smiled
"Welcome to Churchill and my classroom."
"You can called me Mr.O or Mr.Orysuik. Come on in!"
He walked into the classroom followed by me and Katherin.
"Guys this is Bella, shes new here so make her feel welcomed to the school ok?"
Everyone faced me and smiled
"Hi Bella!"
They all said at the same time. Mr.O pointed to an empty seat next to a girl with bangs on her right side if her face and had the same skin colour as mine (A/N: its light brown btw) i sat next to her and she said
"Hi! Are you filp-"
I cut her off. I came to Canada from the Philippines and she spoke in my language the most. I have made 2 friends for the first period but the thing is, people in my class were staring at me, especially the boys. It creeped me out but ignored them and just listened to the teacher.

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