Chapter 23: Whats Happening?

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Bella's POV
Right after school i walked home with Louis and the guys. The girls had rides home.
It wasn't a long walk but it felt like it was cause we were walking pretty slow and we were talking a lot. I was holding Louis' hands while they talk about their stuff.
"Lads are you going to stay with us until our parents come back or something cause you don't see like you want to go home?"
Louis asked as we both looked at them.
"Well my mom was fine with it if i lived somewhere else just as long as i have a friend then ok"
Everyone said the same thing as i face palmed my self.
I rolled my eyes but i just dealt with it. I heard Louis chuckled after i face palmed myself. I continued walking and up the stairs onto the deck. I opened my bag to find my keys.
"Where the hell are my-"
I looked towards the guys. They were smirking at me.
"Have any of you seen my keys?"
They smirked again.
"Oh i don't know"
Harry said as i walked towards Louis, i leaned in about to kiss him but instead i took the keys from his hands.
"Thank you babe"
I smirked then turned around and opened the door. I heard Louis curse under his breath cause i found the keys.
"No need to swear Lou!"
I said as he smirked at me again. I turned around and put my bag on the ground and headed towards the fridge. I grabbed a soda and right after i turned around and closed the fridge Harry appeared in front of me.
"Hi Harry what is it?"
"Oh nothing Louis made me do something for him."
"What is tha-"
He carried me by lifted my legs and hung me on his shoulder.
"Hey?! What are you doing?!"
He slapped my thigh making me yelp.
"Hey?! What was that for?!"
He did it again then spoke.
"To shut you up love!"
I let my body loose and just hung on his shoulder until he walked me into the living room. He sat me down on the couch.
"Louis! What did you tell Harry to do to me!?"
Louis walked down the stairs then headed towards me. He sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulder.
"Hello Love?"
"Louis...what are you planning on-"
He leaned in.
I sat still then i smirked and stood up.
"Well i think someone is calling in my phone upstairs, i'm going..."
I walked away then saw Liam and Zayn in front of the stairs.
"Excuse me gentlemen"
I moved them aside then ran up the stairs carrying my bag. I walked into my room and locked it. I took my phone out and called my mom to see how she was going.
She picked up.
"Hi mom!"
"Hi sweetheart!"
"How's it going with you and Troy?"
"Oh we're ok here and Troy is the one doing all the work at our hotel"
We laughed.
"So how's it going with you and Louis?"
"Um mom we'"
"OH MY GOD!! That's adorable!"
"Ssshh! Mom they'll hear you!"
"Ok ok wait how about you and Jacob?"
"Um he kinda cheated on me"
"I'm so sorry honey, i will give him a present when i get home."
"What present?"
"My fist in his face!"
I laughed.
"Well sweetie i have to het to work bye!"
"Bye mom love you!"
"Love you too!"
I ended the call then i heard my door unlock. Louis
"Why do you have the key to everything?"
"Oh your mom..."
He laughed as he walked towards me and sat on the bed beside me.
"Who were you talking to?"
"My mom"
"What was that part when your mom said awe?"
He smirked.
"Oh nothing."
I faked a smile at him.
"Tell me babe"
He gave me the puppy dog face.
"Ok! I told my mom that we were dating and then she said it was cute that we were dating."
I blushed. Shit he saw!
He smirked then pulled me in near his face. For some reason i've been feeling sick. I've been having headaches ever since the dance.
"Bella? Are you ok?"
"Yea i'm fi-"

Louis' POV
"Bella? Bella! LADS! Get up here now!"
I heard the lads run up the stairs and barged in through the door.
"Louis! What happened!"
"I don't know? Bella just passed out"
I carried her Bridal Style down the stairs. I layed her on the couch and called Katherin and Dani on her phone. They picked up.
"Katherin get over here now!"
"What why what happened? Wheres Bella?"
"She passed out"
"Oh my god we'll be there soon"
I ended the call then called Dani.
"Hello? Bella?"
"Dani this is Louis i need you here now!"
"Why what happened wheres Bella?"
"She passed out again"
"We'll be there soon"
I ended the call and as soon as i did i heard someone knocking on the door. I ran towards it, as i opened it Katherin ran inside and headed towards Bella.
"Oh My god, how many times has she passed out like this?"
"A lot, ever since she came to the school."
We worried a little bit until she took out her phone.
"Who are you calling?"
"My friend Maddy, shes a doctor so she'll be able to help us out"
As she talked on the phone with Maddy someone knocked on the door.
"Dani glad you're here"
"Where is she?"
I pointed at Bella who was laying on the couch. She ran towards her beside her. Katherin finished talking on the phone.
"Ok guys Maddy is on her way"
We all just sat there waiting for Maddy or for my sweet Bella to wake up.

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