Chapter Two.

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"FUCK!" You screamed. Your head felt so horrible to the point you'd checked for bleeding. Something shattered within you when you stood and you fell back down.

What the hell happened last night?

 You were still dressed, sloppily, but dressed. You yanked the loose tie off your neck and unbuttoned your shirt, discovering no bra and a lot of bruises.

"So sex, great." You huffed, managing to stand and limp awkwardly to the bathroom. You immediately puked for a good ten minutes, feeling near death. Your legs (and between them) ached to the point of affecting your walk and you were littered with bruises. "I need to wash. Badly." You muttered, running a steaming hot bath.

Your muscles began to soothe as soon as you stepped in and you let out a pleased groan.

For a mafia boss, you really enjoyed things like this.

"Madam?" A housekeeper called, speaking softly.

"What's up?"

"I wouldn't like to ruin your bath, but we've received a letter from the head of the Manberg gang."

"For fuck's sake! Why can't I have pleasure?" You growled, quickly washing. You stepped out of the bath, head still pounding. "Tell the damn cook to make me some hot coffee."

Meanwhile, that same morning...

"Fuck, my head...Alex? Al-shit." Schlatt began to recall three events from the previous night.

His and Quackity's fight.

Quackity packing his things and leaving.

Himself leaving to get plastered.

He then stopped being able to recall, partially because his head hurt so much he couldn't think.

Schlatt stood up and groaned, feeling a distinct ache in his thighs and soreness in his lower back.

"I fucked last night? Shit, hope I pulled out. Some broad might have a bad few months." He snickered, lumbering to the bathroom. At this point, he noticed he was only wearing a half unbuttoned dress shirt and grey boxers. Hickeys scattered his chest and he was able to catch deep, red scratch marks on his back and chest before puking his guts out.

"Damn, bitch!" He muttered in shock, stripping and hopping in the shower. It was a quick one, but well needed.

He was pretty gross and sweaty.

He scrubbed his hair and brushed it, neatening it back to its normal, less greasy point. Once he left the shower, he dressed and grabbed his coffee, pre-made by the servants that saw him fumble in the previous night.

With some caffeine in his system, he was able to mull over his feelings about the break up. He knew he could get violent and that he cheated around, but...shit.

He felt worse for not feeling much about it and being mostly numb.

"Get me a cig, Sweetheart." He snapped at the maid that stood beside him. She immediately walked off and retrieved his cigar, then lighting it for him. He then rose from the dining table and strode to his office.

As soon as he sat, though, he received a letter.

To the many of whom this concerns,

I'd like to host a little event. You have all jumped up, yes? Excited to defeat your enemies there and then. Thrilled for the VIOLENCE. I hate to disappoint, I do, but I'll have none of that in my party. You may do all of the spying that you'd like, but they'll be no fighting at my party.

I am inviting all of the gangs in the Dream SMP area. This means the Aether, Manberg, Snowchester, Kinoko, and (what's left of the) L'manberg gangs may attend. I cannot stress enough to put your differences mostly aside and have a good night. It is next Thursday and will be an extremely dressy event, though that is what we all wear at this point.


Head of the Red Vines gang

Kiss Me Psychotic, A Mafia AU C!Schlatt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now