Chapter Four.

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"Did that bitch send anything back?" Schlatt asked, walking into his throne room. Each of his men fell to their knees as he entered, a sign of the respect he demanded. Niki stood first, a defiant, apathetic look painted on her delicate features as always.

"Yes, Schlatt. Minx, would you run and grab it?" Minx nodded and strode off, coming back swiftly. As she walked, her skinny demon tail swished behind her and her ankle boots clinked against the wooden floors of Schlatt's mansion. Her mid length, vibrantly purple hair flew behind her, letting everyone know she meant business with every power step. As Minx handed the letter to Schlatt, her black painted lips twitched into a slightly disgusted grimace, revealing her sharp fangs.

Schlatt wanted to shoot one of her fingers off almost constantly.

However, they both knew how reliable and necessary she was. She had stuck with him from the start, despite the fact that they nearly killed each other every day.

 She technically ruled the Bloodlust gang, but at this point they were merged and one in the same, to the point where they are sometimes referred to as the Bloodberg gang instead of separately.

That didn't change the fact that Minx thought he was a sleazy manwhore and Schlatt thought she was a bitchy broad.

They simply chose to agree to disagree under the guise that opposites attract.

Schlatt flipped her off and read over the letter quietly.

Hello again, Sleazeball,

It looks as if I've spelled your name wrong.


They both start with the same letter after all. On that note, don't fucking call me sweetheart unless you were already planning to shoot the shit out of your own half inch cock.

On the broad topic of your letter, I agree to your terms. As you know, I am allied with Red Vines and I'd like it to stay that way. This is the first reasonable decision you've made since you merged with Bloodlust; I am thrilled there's a brain in that echo chamber.

In this envelope is the document you sent, signed.

Keep your promises, 'Baby'.

Faithfully Your Rival,


Head of the Aether gang

"Get me a cig; this cocky broad's gonna be the fuckin' death of me." Schlatt groaned pissedly. He damn near ripped the letter in two, instead choosing to take a long puff of his cigar. Waves of calm started to wash over him as he smoked and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Schlatt went back to his office.

He could hear Minx's obnoxious cackling as she read the letter and summoned the willpower to not punch her in the jaw.

You dug through your massive walk in closet with an frustrated huff. You had nothing to wear for Bad's party.

Well, you had plenty to wear, actually.

But nothing that you wanted to wear.

"TINA!" You shouted, calling the small half cat to your bedroom. She burst through the door moments later, concern lining her pretty brown eyes.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"Can you have somebody get me a sexy cocktail dress for Bad Boy Halo's event? There is absolutely fucking nothing in my closet."

"Yes, Ma'am." She smiled, giving a two fingered salute. She was quite the happy fella for someone who kills about 3 people a week.

Kiss Me Psychotic, A Mafia AU C!Schlatt x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن