Chapter Six.

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You sucked your teeth impatiently as Tina took her time picking out your makeup. "Fuck Tina, how long does it take to pick out a red lip? I only have three dark shades!"

"Sorry! I'm looking for black eyeshadow now!"

"For fuck's sake-It's all organized by color!"

"My eyes don't see all colors! All of your red is green and I don't know the difference between brown and black!"

You sighed. "Right. Dammit, Tina. Move over, I'll do my make up and yours, then."

"Connor, speed it up! I need to look hot and quickly if I want to bother Y/N all night!"

"Why would you want to disturb Lady L/N? She's nice!"

"Pause." Connor abruptly stopped, knowing he may have touched a nerve.

"No one in this industry is 'nice'. We all kill innocent people and hire grunts to terrorize civilians. Fuck you mean she's 'nice'? She's the enemy, dipshit!" Schlatt smacked the side of the man's head.

"Sorry, sir..." Connor whined, rubbing the sore spot.

"Better be. Finish my tie, Bitch."

You strode in like you owned the place. The confidence you felt was in no small part due to your outfit.

Of course, your position of power gave you a boost as well.

Your long dress swayed against your legs, the high slit exaggerating its pure elegance, alongside the clink of your 6 ½ in stilettos.

"Evening, Bad, " You greeted the 7 ft demon man. The Aether-Red vines Alliance made the têté a tête all the more pleasant; you knew there was less to worry about with him.

''Y/N! Thank you for attending, I hope you'll keep the peace."

"Of course. If sh-crap goes down, it will not by any fault of mine."

"Good. I know how you can be; thank you for your obedience. Whiskey, beers, malts, rums, and brandys are over there, " He points to the bar on the left, "and Vermouth, Rosés, champagnes, Sake courtesy of Kinoko, kahluas, and vodkas over there." He pointed to the bar on the right.

"You have quite the selection for a man that exclusively drinks seltzer and Sparkling Cranapple Juice. " You smirked, gesturing to the glass of "wine" in his hand. He pouted slightly and started to retaliate, but an exasperated Skeppy led him away.

You shook your head and walked over to the left bar, attempting to release an intimidating stature.

"Whiskey neat, on the rocks," The request poured out of your mouth with ease and demand. The bartender immediately put together your order and slid it to you. The noise the glass made across the wood was familiar to you, as it was the same sound you heard nearly thrice a week in the local bar as you got drunk off your ass.

You shook off the memory and took a sip of your drink.

It tasted fantastic, it was ice cold and the flavors popped better than any other drink you'd ever had.

'Holy shit, what is this?" You wondered aloud, genuinely impressed by the taste. It warmed your chest and stomach despite the cooling ice. As you pondered this, a large hand fell on to your bare shoulder. Having been of high status in the mafia your entire life, you didn't even flinch.

Your father raised a dictator, not a bitch.

"That's Nuclear Whiskey, Baby." Schlatt's voice rumbled in your ear. You had half a mind to grab his wrist and slam his ass on this floor; for Bad's sake, you simply shrugged his hand off.

"Call me by my name, Pussy." You snapped, sipping your drink again.

"What, you on your period or somethin'?"

You huffed. "No, Schlatt. Why can't you just go sit your dumbass down somewhere?"

Instead of answering, he rolled his eyes and sat next to you.

Not what you had in mind.

"You are officially the only woman that hasn't wanted to fuck me. I wouldn't touch your tits with a ten foot pole, but I still want the attention."

"Wow, women want to fuck your bratty ass? Amazing. Thought it was just the men."

Schlatt scowled and glared at you. "And men want to fuck your bitch ass?"

"They come back for more too. I don't have a bitch ass, I have a tight ass." You smirked, downing your drink. It was immediately refilled, to your pleasure. "Your 3 centimeter dick would ruin my night."

"I don't know why you keep fucking saying that. I'm huge."

A cackle flew from your mouth. "Yeah, and I'm a goddamn angel. If all your jokes are this funny, you might be a fun guy to hang around."

Kiss Me Psychotic, A Mafia AU C!Schlatt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now