Chapter Three.

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You flopped into your desk chair with a huff. It was time to sit and read this letter that Big Man Schlatt sent. Because it had been sent so soon after BBH's, you assumed it was concerning that.

Which was concerning in of itself.

Dear Y/N,

Might we form a truce? I won't touch you or your gang throughout the party. We won't even spy. And you return the favor.

I don't want problems.

I want a good time. I'm sure you do too.

If you like this truce, my lawyer has sent over a contract. A short form one.

All you have to do is sign it.

You know what my men can do.

Make your choice and make it soon, Sweetheart.

See you soon,


Head of the Manberg gang.

"What a cocky, fucking asshole!" You spat, reading over the letter once more. Being called sweetheart was...infuriating to say the least.

But you were sure that was the intention.

You yanked the contract out of the envelope and scribbled your signature in each of the three spots.

"Someone bring the members to the dining room. Tell them I have an announcement. And for the love of fuck, bring me a Marlboro. Now!" You yelled into the hallway, now pissed off.

Footsteps immediately rang through the hall and a lit cigarette was put between your fingers. You stomped off to the dining hall, taking a long drag and letting its calming effects wash over you.

Within ten minutes, your entire gang was seated with you, patiently awaiting your news.

"BadBoyHalo is hosting a party with the other gangs in the Dream SMP area. He doesn't want fighting. I've signed a contract with the Manberg gang. No spying on or fighting with them and they'll do the same for us, ya' hear?"

You saw some nods, but it wasn't enough.

"Ay! I fucking asked a question! Clean out your goddamn ears! I asked if you understood what the fuck I said!" You snapped, pounding the table.

"Yes Ma'am!" Everyone chorused.

"That's more like it! Fuckin' ay'! Buncha' insuboordinate shits you all are." You scowled, standing. "Party is next week thursday,  clear your schedules and get your best clothes out. Someone get their ass over here and deliver my damn contract."

"Yes, Ms.. Right away."

Kiss Me Psychotic, A Mafia AU C!Schlatt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now