Chapter Seven.

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Schlatt ♔ ================================================================================

Oh, she was getting on my last. Fucking. NERVE. Her cocky comments make me want to shoot her, and her tits make me want to bang her. What the hell?

Y/N is gorgeous; that isn't a debate. Her assets are large, her features are elegant, and her personality is dominant. The only man who could tame her was her father, and he died years ago.

More specifically, she killed him.

If I wasn't of equal power, she'd be terrifying. And that was fucking alluring. But she was such a bitch.

I am too, but shit.

She digs right into where it hurts. Hurts so good when I remember she's the one sayin' it.

"I am fun to hang around, Bitch. You're still here."

She smirked lightly. "Okay. You got me, Schlatt."

"Eh?" I raised a brow. "That sounds like weakness to me, Y/N, your father taught you better."

"It isn't weakness. I just don't know why I'm still talking to you."

"You enjoy my company, Princess." I shot her a coy grin.

"Fuck no. I think its the whiskey." She grimaced.

"I know you're a heavyweight, try again."

"You make me want to drink more." She huffed and took her 4th refill down in one.

"Because you want to stay with me?" I snickered.

"Because you're INSUFFERABLE." Another drink in one go.

"Sure, Princess."

"You came and sat with me in the first fucking place, you dick."

"I can admit your company isn't as painful as I thought. Now it just feels like pulling my hair out instead of pulling my fingernails off."

"Talking with you is like putting a steak knife up my ass."

"I didn't know you liked it so rough." I cackled into my glass, watching her resist the urge to kick me off my chair. Knowing she couldn't touch me made it all SO much better. She took down her seventh and glared.

"Dance with me." Y/N demanded.

"Still hate my company now?"

"Shut up and dance with me, Motherfucker."

"I like a feisty bitch." I smirked and took her hand.

Kiss Me Psychotic, A Mafia AU C!Schlatt x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz