Chapter 14

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The moment Willick fell into my arms, I knew my world had crumbled, and I was the cause of it. The only thing I could do was grab him by myself tightly and went down with him to tend to him immediately, but whatever I had to do, I couldn't save him.

I had thrust a sword into the belly of the man I had once sworn to love forever, and right there and then, I knew our forever had come. But that wasn't the kind of ending I had intended for us. It was supposed to be different.

"Willick, stay with me." I said quickly as untapped his cheek incessantly to keep him awake.

He smiled. "C-laire..."

"Shhhhh..." the tears had begun to stream down in their sufficiency, and I was breaking into pieces even as I tried to hold Willick to myself.

"I didn't kill the king," he said.

"Willick, please..."

"I love you, Claire."

I wished he would just stop talking and keep calm while I try to figure out what to do next. But then his escorts jabbed me away from him Immediately and squatted beside him to tend to him.

Where I was jabbed to, I couldn't move. I was staring at Willick aimlessly as if I had no will left in me. Then uncle Gary came to get me.

"Claire, we have to leave now. More of the dragon kingdom's knights are heading this way."

A loud shriek suddenly enveloped the sky and traveled far and wide. Uncle Gary became agitated, while I had lost the feeling for that.


I answered to his hand dragging me up, and just when I was on my feet, the dragon dropped heavily in front of me. Uncle Gary quickly let me go and held his sword for an attack. But the dragon only stared at me for a moment before it turned to look at Willick.

"We need to leave, now?"

So we left.


It's been two days of agonizing moments.

I knew I was risking my life trying to go and see Willick - his escorts obviously hated me by then and would love to have my head on sight, but I needed to know if he was still alive, and to do that, I needed to see him. But I'd have to get to him first.

The tents were lit with lanterns and inside what was Willick's tent, I could see shadows moving everywhere. They were probably tending to something, but there was no way to know until I got there. So I made my way down the slope of the hill, careful with my steps. But my mind was far more active than my leg, so once I missed a step and slipped abruptly, I was glad my mind was active enough to immediately grab the root of a tree.

I pulled myself up and continued the journey to the tent. The guards were outside, watching every corner that spread long and wide into the woods. There was no way to get through them.

Or maybe there was a way? I went around the tent. Fortunately, the back was without any-

I held back immediately once I saw the guard taking a break while he was relieving himself into the bush under him. So I made my way carefully through and went around to the front, careful not to draw the attention of the guards standing in front. They seemed to be more concerned about whatever was coming than whatever was already there and anywhere behind them, so they didn't notice when I entered Willick's tent.

But once I did, the first hand that grabbed me, pushed me backward and pinned my back on a pole. Her eyes were bloodshot and furious.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

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