You Killed Mom!

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"You know the secret of my sister's ill-health, what those Muggles did, what she became. You know how my poor father sought revenge, and paid the price, died in Azkaban. You know how my mother gave up her own life to care for Ariana."

-Albus Dumbledore
An auburn hair man appears in Godric Hallow, enraged to return home; his plans are ruined. He could no longer travel the world with his friend, all because his mother had died.

Albus opened the small gate; his neighbor peered through the window seeing the angry young man. Albus walked inside his home and confronted his sister sitting near the fireplace," YOU KILLED MOM!" Albus yelled at her.

She winced at his yell. She knew her brother was furious. She knew her brother had travel plans and ruined them.

Before she could reply, Aberforth defended his sister," Albus, it's not her fault. She has no control over it," Aberforth said.

"Not her fault? Aberforth, our mother is dead! She..." Albus got interrupted by his younger brother.

"Ari, go to your room. Albus and I have things to discuss," Aberforth said to his little sister. Ariana nodded.

She stood up and approached Albus," I am sorry, brother. I didn't mean to kill mom," Ariana apologized for ruining his plans.

Albus ignored her words and furiously glared at her. He wouldn't forgive her for causing the family separation.

As she walked upstairs, she could hear her brothers fight over her. She did not like hearing them argue, especially about her.

She knows her brothers consider her a disturbance; even when they don't tell her. She blames herself for causing her father's arrest, the death of her mother, and Albus no longer having his freedom. None of this would happen; if only those three muggle boys didn't attack her.

Ari sat reading her favorite book,' The Tales of Beetle the Bard.' After spending time reading, she heard the door of the house open and slammed shut. She stopped reading and headed downstairs.

At the kitchen table, she saw her brother, "Abe, where did Albus go?" She wondered if her older brother would return. "Don't worry, Ari. Albus needs time to think straight. He won't abandon us. I told him I could quit school to take care of you. He insisted on staying; I know he does it to not look bad for leaving us. I can take better care of you, unlike our selfish brother," Abeforth explained their argument.

"Abe, please be nice to Al. He is upset about canceling his trip with his friend. I ruined it...,' Aberforth intercepted her words.

"You are not to blame, Ari. Whatever thing inside you caused it. I know you wouldn't purposely kill mum. I know you, Ari. Do not blame yourself," Abeforth didn't want his sister to blame herself for the events that had happened.

"Ok, I won't, but only if you make sure brother comes home safe," Ariana convinced Abeforth to check on Albus. Abefort grabbed his coat," I will check on our brother. Stay inside, do not go outside," Abeforth strictly forbids her from leaving the house. Ariana nodded, watching her brother put on his coat and leave the house.

From the window, she watched her brother leave; then she rushed upstairs to her bedroom. She gathered the borrowed books from under her bed. She put on her coat and removed her slippers to put on the proper shoes. She left the house with the books and headed to her neighbor's home.

Ariana's body chilled when reaching her neighbor's door. She knocked twice before the door opened to a middle age woman. "Hello, Miss Bagshot. How are you?" Ariana smiled.

The woman smiled, recognizing the young Dumbledore," I am well, child. Please come in; it's very cold out here,' the woman allowed Ariana to enter her home.

"I have finished the books you let me borrow," Ariana stepped inside the cozy home. She placed the book on the table.

"Would you like some tea?" Bathilia Bagshot asked.

"Yes, please," Ariana didn't want to reject the woman's hospitality. She sat on the chair near the fireplace. It didn't take long for the woman to serve her tea. "I saw Albus return home. He looked quite angry leaving home," Bathilia said when neighborhood-watching.

Ariana knew the real reason. Albus blames her for their mother's death. Of course, she couldn't tell anyone. "He is upset that mother died because he no longer gets to travel and gets to take care of me," Ariana told her part of the truth.

"That Albus..., selfish as always. He should know family comes first. Did Abeforth and he have a fight?" Bathilia asked. Ariana nodded.

"I don't like when they fight," Ariana said. She gets upset seeing her brothers fight.

"I am sure he is upset because you lost your mother. But Albus will get to his senses. He will take care of you and Abeforth. As for Abeforth, he needs to stop arguing with Albus. I am sure they both love you and will take good care of you," Miss Bagshot said.

"I think all this is because Albus had already had travel plans with a friend. But now, he can't travel and has to stay at Godric's Hallow. I think he needs a friend his age," Ariana explained the other reason.

"I see..." Bathilia had a short thought. " How about I contact my great grand-niece son to visit? I have a great nephew who is Albus' age and brilliant like him. I am sure they would be good friends," Bathilia thought of a solution that Ariana thought was a good plan.

"What is your great nephew's name?" Ariana asked, wondering the name of the young man that would visit Godric's Hallow.

"Gellert Grindelwald."

Little did Ariana know that the young man will soon visit Godric's Hallow. He will change her life.

"I was gifted, I was brilliant. I wanted to escape. I wanted to shine. I wanted glory. Do not misunderstand me. I loved them... but I was selfish... So that, when my mother died, and I was left the responsibility of a damaged sister and a wayward brother, I returned to my village in anger and bitterness. Trapped and wasted, I thought! And then of course, he came..."

-Albus Dumbledore

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