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Abeforth went back to school. I do miss him. I wish my brothers would have left me to drop Abe at the train station. My brothers never allowed me to go. They believe it is too dangerous for me. I know what they mean. They think I am too dangerous that I would cause another outbreak. I wish I were allowed to go out into the world freely. There are many places I would love to see, but I know I will never be allowed to go on my own. I will always have Albus and Abeforth take care of me.

I know Albus is ready to leave this place. He had planned to travel the world after he graduated. He has that plan on hold right now since he has to take care of me. But I know Al would be happy to leave when Abe graduates. I know Al is planning to travel with Gellert. They mostly talk about the dealthy hallow book.

Gellert believes the tale is true. I believe it, too, and so does Albus. Azzy is the one who created the wand, cloak, and stone. But I do wonder why Gellert and Albus would want them. That is why I am asking Azzy.

Azzy laughed. "They will never find all three of them," Azzy stated his belief.

"What would happen if they do?" I asked him. I believe one day, my brother will find the three deathly hallows.

"Then, one would be the master of death," Azzy explained. Master of death...?

"Hmm... does that mean one person will be powerful?" I asked.

Azzy nodded. "Humans have ambitions. Having all three will make them a master of death. They will not die, but I have seen humans try to use other methods to avoid death. It amuses me, yet I end up visiting them at the proper time. Human ambition can lead to the worst or best thing in life. But with the wand, stone, and cloak, one will not only be powerful and avoid me but suffer in life," Azzy explained what would happen. I don't want my brother to suffer.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked Azzy. It would help me know their location so I can stop my brother from finding it.

"Why the sudden interest? Do you desire that power?" Azzy didn't seem pleased with my question.

I shook my head," I don't want my brother and Gellert finding it," I told Azzy the truth. I have no desire for power. I don't want my brother to change. It worries me.

Azzy smiled, "You have a good soul, Ariana. That is why I trust to tell you where they are," Azrael said before telling where the elder wand, resurrection stone, and invisible cloak are located.

"I promise I will not find the wand, the stone, and the cloak," I raised my pinky, swearing my words. Azzy skeletal pinky intertwined mine," I have complete trust in you," Azzy gave me a warm smile.

"Would you like more tea?" Ariana asked the grim.

"I have to go back to work," Azrael stood up with his scythe.

"Ok," Ariana placed her tea set on the tray.

Death noticed a small planet. He was about to touch it," It's my Silver Leaf Tree," Ariana said. Death stopped himself from touching her plant.

"A fully grown tree will bear golden apples. The apples have special healing powers, including saving someone from dying," Death explained the purpose of the tree.

Ariana noticed the plant needed water. She looked back at her friend to find him gone. She picked up her things and headed back home.

Ariana placed her tea set on the kitchen table before grabbing a bucket and filling it with water. However, she overfilled the bucket of water, making it very heavy to carry.

Quickly, a pair of extra hands helped her before she could drop the bucket. "Thank you, Gellert," Ariana looked at the Bulgarian boy.

"Silver, you ought to be careful. You wouldn't want a pretty face like yourself to get hurt," Gellert worried that she would have slipped and injured herself.

His Silver (Ariana Dumbledore)Where stories live. Discover now