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"Congratulations" greeting are everywhere from all who attend to the marriage of namjoon and Jin.
They have a great and grand wedding that held to their famous church and reception followed to a very luxurious hotel that been gifted by jackson that stand as their god father in their wedding.
At the 10th floor Jackson book a honeymoon suite for them. Tomorrow they will have their flight for their honeymoon at Italy.

"Thank you" what the newly wed said to all who greet and wish them luck for their new journey.
"Dude,haizt... You are already married now. You can't no longer have your flings to other girls or boys" jungkook said to namjoon teasingly.
Namjoon laughed to his bestfriend jokes.

Their friendship start from the moment they apply to the bangtan agency for them to be officially became a detective four years ago. But before that they already seen each other when they train to military to become a soldier. Namjoon graduated first followed by jungkook 2 yrs ago.
They destined to be assigned at one location. They both resign at the same day when they disappointed at the way their superior treat them.
Beside they realize it lack of achievement when they are in military so they search for a more thrilling job.

"It's ok, jungkook. With kind around. Do you think I need to look for other? I love him so much, I just see him I feel happy and complete." Namjoon declared while looking at him who is currently talking to one of their visitors.
Jungkook chuckle.
"Well- well, looks who's talking? Who can say my corny friend can say sweet talking like this, just because he is in love?"
"Jungkook, when you fell in love you will understand me why I am being like this. Just because you still not found the right one that's why you don't know how it feels."
"And who told you that?" Jungkook said smiling.
"I'm in love, namjoon. And I'm always in love." Jungkook said in formal tone.
"I didn't know that you are already in love. To whom? Why I didn't meet your new girlfriend?"

Jungkook laugh out loud.
"You easily believe it. I'm in love to our job. You know I'm always in love to our job because we found the thrill that we are searching."
Namjoon chuckle. But when jungkook look at the other side of the hall his eyes softened.
'he looks so pretty. How I wish I can say it to you. But you are still young.' jungkook thought and shake his head while shifting his vision in other side.

The one he is looking.... It's jimin, who is busily talking to his friends. He is the best man in the wedding.
He is wearing a purple suit and he looks really pretty in that.
He looks different from the guy who wear jeans and shirt. Wearing a cap in opposite when he is in his teens.
Yes, jungkook already have his eyes to jimin. But he can't express that he love him because of their 7yrs age gap. And beside he is namjoon brother.

Jimin keep laughing to the jokes of his friends. He feel very happy because at last his namjoon Hyung is married to jin.
"So, you will be left here now that your brother is already married."hobi said.
"So? What is the problem? Even Hyung is here we don't live together. Means there is still no changes in my life." Jimin answers while looking for his brothers.
"It's different, when people know that your Hyung just close by. Atleast they are intimidated to him. Unlike when you live on your own. Do you want a bodyguard?" Hobi said.
Hobi is courting him for almost a month.

"Hey! And who said that I need some bodyguard? Do you want to try how can I protect myself?" Jimin said in irritation.
All that he hate is someone who look at him that he always needs someone's protection just to survive in life.
"Hey, I'm just joking okay. Don't take it seriously."
"HMP! You spoiled my mood. You already know that I don't like people think that I'm weak person."
"Sorry, just because-"
"Ok, enjoy the party." Jimin said and stood up.
"W-wait! Don't be mad please. I'm sorry."
"Yeah it's ok. I will go now to namjoon Hyung. They are already free now. It's time for me to greet them."
"I will go with you so that-"
"Don't. Just stay here. We will talk some Confidential issue." Jimin said then walk away to hobi.

While jimin is walking closer to his brother he is looking at someone that who is currently talking to them.
It's jungkook.
'hmp! Why he looks so handsome in his suit. And the way he smile. But he is only smiling when he is talking to Hyung. When I'm around he barely smile. He looks so cold, or he just don't want me around. But I always remember, he always brings some chocolate for me when me and Hyung still live in one house.'

"Hyung! Congrats! Jin Hyung congratulations." Jimin greets and hug his hyungs.
"Thank you jimin." Jin said sweetly
"Thank you my little mochi!" Namjoon hugging him tightly and kissing his head.
"H-hi, jungkook Hyung." Jimin said while looking through his eyelashes.
"Hi, you look good in your suit." Jungkook said casually not even smiling.
"Yeah, but I feel uncomfortable being in formal suit. If it's not for hyungs wedding..."
"That's why they misunderstand you as a nerd because you always wear loose shirt and jeans."
"It's ok, atleast I'm comfortable in it."
"Haizt.... We will go now. You always take care here ok my little mochi." Namjoon said.
"Yes, don't worry about me. I'll be right here. And I can take care of myself." Jimin said while paying namjoons back.
"Yes I know. But I want to make sure in between 2 months of our stay in other country you are safe and alright here. That's why I will ask this to my bestfriend to look after you." Namjoon said then tapping jungkooks shoulder.
Jungkook and jimin said together.

"Jungkook I know you are busy with your work. But I don't trust anyone else for my younger brother aside from you. I didn't know where is Woobin and jihyun. So can I rely on you?"
" Namjoon -"
"Hyung! I'm old enough, I don't need someone to baby sit me. And beside it's hassle to jungkook Hyung it's look like you will give him a child to take care of." Jimin said irritated.
"Jimin, I just want to know that you are good. And beside I know-"
"Your Hyung is right jimin. You need someone by your side to protect you especially in sensitive cases." Jungkook said before namjoon finish his words.
If other tell him that he will sassed them out. He think and take a deep breath. He really don't want someone to look after him to protect him.

"Jungkook Hyung, I really appreciate your concern. That's why I'm not stopping on learning new martial arts , because I always want to be ready in case-"
"Jimin, it's not only about physical is what we are talking about. For example you have a problem, or struggling on something. Don't forget that he is there." Jungkook said.
"That's what I'm trying to say. I'd like you to trust him when me and Jin is not around."
Namjoon said with finality. And jimin knew he can't protest.
Even they are not living together and he earn for his own self still he needs to obey his Hyung.
That's how he respect him.

Okay, okay. I have nothing to say. If I have a problems I will reach to jungkook Hyung."
"Good. It's settled then. We will go by tomorrow."
"Okay, but can I come with you in the airport to see your departure?"
"No need. You must take your rest."
And jimin feel annoyed because jungkook attention is not in his. Jungkook now is talking with their female visitor.
'hmp! How can he guard me if there's someone walk in front of him beautifully he forget me and namjoon hyung.' jimin thought.

"Why you are pouting? Are you mad because I didn't agree for you to join us in the airport?"
"Huh? No I'm not. I just feel sad because I know I will miss you both."
"Hmmmm.... Okay, don't worry when we came back I will bring lots of souvenirs for you."
"Really, Hyung! Add more. Size 8 and I like hoodies."
"Hahaha.... Of course... just Shoes and hoddies to lighten you mood."
"It's not. But I don't have I choice" jimin said teasingly to his brother, even in his eyes he is looking secretly to jungkook.


borahae 💜

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