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Whatever jimin can say, still different  when jungkook is around. Atleast  when he fee lonely and misses his brother he can call him or visit him at anytime.
But now, namjoon is almost a month in other country with his husband jin, he feels like its been years since he last sees them.

'What are they doing right now? Hmp! Maybe they are going shopping and travelling  the place.' Jimin thought.
He feel bored while switching  channels on the TV.
' but maybe it's time for me to live on my own, even though they will return home. He have his own life. Its not like before that I can ask him to join me to go anywhere  whenever I feel bored. After all  its what I want to prove to him that's why I live on my own. I want to live an independent  life.'

Jimins phone suddenly  ring.
"It's namjoon hyung!" Jimin search for his phone and answering  it not looking at the caller I.d
"Yes! Who are you?" Jimin ask when he heard the voice and its not his hyung
"It's me, min yoongi."
"Ah, yes sir. Why do you call?"
"I have something to discuss to you, a case. But it's still up to you if you want to accept it. Can you come over here for a while so that we can talk about it.?"
"S- sir, that means you will give me my own case, and I'm not just a back up, or runner to gather some information?"
"Well, sort of. But we still need to talk about it. So are you coming?"
"Yes- yes sir! I'm coming!"
"Good. I'll wait for you okay."
"Yes sir!"

Jimin act to dress hurriedly. He don't want min yoongi to change his mind. If his thought is right, min yoongi is planning to give him his own assignment.

"S-sir, do we really need to do that?" Jimin asked  confused when he heard the plan to accomplish  his mission.
They are six detective agent that been called. They all talked one by one by min yoongi. It was a close door meeting. Jimin already notice the other agent behaviour after talking to their boss. That's why.....
"We don't have choice, jimin. If you are not going inside, you will never know what happened to them."
Jimin took a deep breath.
"Jimin, please help us." Tae said. He is the leader of a campaign against  sadistic man. He organised a group that protect people against violence.

"The other agent already back out to hold this mission. You are our only hope. We need to know what happened to all the young people in jail that suddenly disappeared  then they will be found dead in the creek or along side of the road with some trash. It's a human violation."
"Sir, there are some police officer that can investigate the case?"
"Just call me tae, and yes you are right. There are some police that can investigate what happened  to them. But unfortunately there are some possibilities that they already know about it. And worse is they are the one behind all of it. Jimin, all the person that died is in jail, they been guarded by police. They are the one responsible on it. And jimin, all of them have been raped before they killed them. There are signs that they've been tortured. And because they are prisoners most of them don't have any family to look for them. If they have, they don't have enough money to continue the case." Tae explained

Jimin knows it, he already read and watch about it, about the prisoners that mysteriously out of the jail and be found dead. He knew too that they have been tortured by someone brutally.
"Jimin, I'm not forcing you. Studied it first. Anyway you've proved your worth on your job. Your colleagues solve many cases because  of your help. And beside I know your skills and capabilities, I know and i belive that you can protect your own at any danger. I belive that you are the one who can help us to solve this case." Yoongi said.
"S-sir, do you trust me that much?"
"Of course! That's why I always give you as back ups to my most skilled agent, Because I know you can be a big help to them. Honestly I'm still holding back to give you this case because of one reason."
"What is it?"
"It's not what, it's who. Your namjoon hyung."
"I will accept the mission." Jimin said.
Tae smiled at him.

"Thank you. Mr. Min yoongi, now that jimin accept the case I feel relieved  that we will solve it soon. I will go now."
"Okay, tae."
"Jimin, thank you so much."
"Don't thank me yet, I'm not sure I'm I can-"
"Whatever the result of this investigation, I'm still thankful. What the important is there is someone who fight for the case."
They just smile and tae take his way to the door.
When tae is gone jimin and yoongi talked for a while.
"Tae is so generous  to investigate  the case. Its good that they have budget for their organization."
"Honestly ,jimin I only asked for half of the fee, although tae can afford it. Tae is a filthy rich business man you know."
"Really, he is rich?"
"Yes, he own the Kim construction business and also the Kim's garment factory that he inherited  from his mother. But he is too simple that you can't even think that he is not just a simple person. Have you notice. He wear a simple clothes."

"Ah, why tae is so active on this?"
"Hs mother is a victim of domestic violence. His father is a cheater, he abused his wife and most of all he didn't do anything, he just keep spending the money of his wife. When his mother decided to be separated to him she filed for annulment, his father is so furious about it. When he get a chance he killed his own wife brutally."
"God" jimin gasped.
"That's why you can't blame him why he is active in this kind of organisation. He witness his father's violence, even him, he experienced it. What he worries is the crime that his father have committed. He's still not found. Anytime he can attack tae and worse tae is his next victim."
"Oh, god! Tae is a brave person. Don't he became traumatised about it?"
"He is. I think he is super traumatised that's why he is so engrossed in the case."
"Yeah, I think he is still suffering.  I hope I succeeded to know the reason on this case and accomplish my mission."
"And I hope you are keeping safe in everything  that you do."
"Thmk you."

"Anyway, I'd like you to know that you have your back ups on this case. And for our plan for you to go inside the jail is we need to process  it in natural way."
"It's up to you sir."
They talked for a while about how the mission goes.
"So, it's everything clear to you now?"
"Yes, I will proceed as what we discussed."
"Good, then good luck." Yoongi said while standing and reaching his hand to shake jimin.
"Thank you sir, I have to go."
"Okay, oh, and this mission is confidential. Make it sure that no one will know about it."
"Yes sir!"
After that jimin walked out of the door. In his hand he hold the file all about of his mission.

'God, I hope I will not disappoint yoongi hyung. This is my biggest break as a full time  detective of bangtan agency. I have to prove something to them. I don't want them to be-'
Jimin suddenly stop his walking when he bump in a strong chest when he turned.
He drop the folder because of the sudden bump.
"Hey!" Said the guy who automatically wrapped his hands around Jimins waist to protect and prevent him to fall.



borahae 💜

09. Passionate lover // jikook ff💜 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now