So Far So Good

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Hopefully this will be a long one, anyways, Happy Reading!

  - Moonlight's POV -

  It was already 2:00 pm, I can't believe that Sea is late and I am early. this rarely happens, usually Im late and she's early.

  The moment I thought that, I saw a blue haired girl running towards me while carrying lots of bags. " Sea! you're here. " I said. " Im sorry for being late. " She apologised. " It's fine, anyways, we should get on the carriage now. " I said while pointing towards the carriage with a purple roof. ( like the Vanilla Castle )

  We walked to the carriage while asking each other what we bought. When we got to the carriage, we saw two compartments. The first one has water and lots of jellies, the second one has some hay for the horse.

  We got on the carriage and got ourselves comfortable, I took out all her pillows, blankets and her plushies. Now the carriage looked really comfy.

  I looked at my watch and it said it was 2:30. Sea took out the map of where we were going. She asked the horse to start going to the Golden Cheese Kingdom and the horse agreed. ( Don't ask how the horse understands her, it's magic )  

  - Sea fairy's POV -

  I got back on the carriage and looked through the stained glass one the windows and admired the design, It has a Lily in the middle, I thought it was really pretty. 

  Then, Moon and I started chatting, quickly it became night so we got off the carriage and opened the compartment to get some jellies. We ate our jellies and set up our beds. it was really comfy with all the pillows and blankets but we were no tired, so we told ghost stories to eachother and had a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows that Moon bought.

  When it was my turn for the story, I told a story that my mom always told me. It is called 'The Lantern In The Snow'. After I finished I saw Moonlight Crying because of how emotional it was. 

  We took a few more turns telling stories until we fell asleep on the spot, right next to Moonlight.

  Oh God that was shorter than expected. Ill tray to make the next one longer, Hopefully. 

Word Count : 398

Two lost friends  - A seamoon fanficionWhere stories live. Discover now