F i v e

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Nockfell High School was buzzing. Pink and red paper hearts were strung along every wall in the building. A few kids from the student council were bustling through the hallways carrying baskets of roses, which were selling for $1 each. Some girls had already recieved their roses and were gushing to their friends about it while others leaned against their lockers and waited with anxious expressions. 

Ash and Violet were making their way to Study Hall together, taking in the excitement around them. 

"It's kinda gross, honestly," Ash commented with a grimace.

"I like it," Violet replied. "The decorations are pretty."

This was partially true. While the teen girl enjoyed the hearts and roses, it certainly wasn't the reason why her spirits were high. There was no denying that she was secretly hoping for a romantic gesture from Sal. It was Valentines Day after all. What better time to ask her to be his girlfriend than now?

Her brunette friend grinned. "So, it has absolutely nothing to do with Sal Fisher?"

"Not at all. He's not my boyfriend."

"Has he asked you to be his valentine?"

"Nope. Although, he did wish me a happy Valentines Day this morning."

A tall, blonde figure stepped in the girls' path, causing them to stop in their tracks. Standing over them was no other than Travis Phelps. Since the death of Violet's father, he'd been surprisingly well-behaved toward herself and her friends, including Sal. He'd been targeting his relentless bullying at a few freshman instead. 

"Can we help you?" Ash sneered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Travis ignored her and smirked at Violet. "Where's your little faggot of a boyfriend? Probably hooking up with that Todd kid in the janitor's closet."

"Maybe he is," Violet responded with a shrug. "So what? Jealous?"

"HA! Me jealous of a faggot like him? Please!"

"You seem to care more about Sal's sex life than anyone, Phelps. Get a therapist," Ash remarked. Violet couldn't help but snicker at this comment.

The boy's expression hardened instantly. He shot a venomous glare at Ash, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. "Wanna say that again, Campbell?"

"You heard me."

Before things could escalate any further, the girls felt a presence behind them. They immediately recognized the strong smell of marijuana coming from the person and sighed with relief.

"There a problem here?" Came Larry's baritone voice. 

"What's it to you?" Travis snarled.

"A reason for me to beat your ass again."

The blonde let out a huff before spinning on his heel and stomping away, shoving people out of his way in the process. The girls turned to Larry with wide grins, thankful that he'd come to save the day.

"You guys okay?" He asked.

"Yup," Ash answered.

The dark-haired boy squinted at Violet. "Are you sure you're good?"

"Positive," she affirmed with a nod. "I'd tell you if I wasn't."

"Alright. I'll see you guys around. Packerton'll have my head on a platter if I'm late to her class again."

"See you, Larry. Thanks again!" Ash chimed.

> > >

By the time lunch came to an end, Violet was growing anxious. Sal hadn't mentioned anything about Valentines Day since that morning. She was especially disheartened to see both Maple and Ash with roses at the lunch table. Ash explained that her rose was from a boy in her art class whom she did not reciprocate feelings for, while Maple kept her admirer a "secret."

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