T h i r t e e n

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Violet was rather relieved to see Lisa's face when she and Sal entered Larry's apartment. After being sick for several weeks, she seemed to have been feeling well enough to get out of bed. She was already back in her navy blue jumpsuit and tinkering with the pipes under the kitchen sink.

"Hiya, kids!" she greeted them with a gentle smile. "How have you two been?"

"We're okay. How've you been feeling?" Sal responded.

"Didn't your doctor say to take it easy?" Violet asked.

The woman chuckled and shook her head. "Don't you worry about me. We've got problems with the plumbing that need my attention, anyway."

Violet peeked at the pipes underneath the sink. Some sort of green sludge was leaking from them, as well as from the faucet. She remembered Henry complaining about something similar a few days prior. Lisa must have already fixed it.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" The teen girl offered. "I don't know much about plumbing, but I can learn."

"Little dude!" Larry's muffled voice called from the bathroom. "Don't even bother trying to talk sense into my mom! She's more stubborn than me!"

Lisa rolled her eyes with a scoff. "Oh, hush, my little Lar-bear!"

"Mooooommm! Don't call me that!"

"Just don't push yourself too hard okay?" Sal said with a chuckle. He'd definitely keep this nickname in mind for when Larry pestered him. 

Violet nodded in agreement. "And let us know if you need any help."

"You got it, kids. Thank you both."

The two turned to head into Larry's room to wait for him to finish up in the bathroom, but something caught Violet's eye. A beautiful bouquet of flowers was sitting on the floor outside of Lisa's bedroom. This didn't seem like something Larry would do. 

She turned to see if Lisa was paying attention, but she seemed to have gone back to working on the plumbing. So, she made a beeline to the flowers with Sal following close behind. He must have noticed them as well.

"Who do you think they're from?" He whispered as Violet crouched down to observe them.

"I don't know, but this card should tell us."

'Get well soon. Wishing you the best! 

The pair could hardly believe their eyes. Violet's jaw dropped as she looked up at Sal, whose eyes were as wide as saucers. She hurriedly put the note back in place and grabbed his hand, pulling him into Larry's room. 

"Henry sent Lisa flowers!" She squealed.

Sal rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe it was a different Henry. O-Or maybe just a friendly gesture. You know, like friends."

"Guys don't give their lady friends flowers, Sally."

"That's not true!"

"Oh yeah? How many times have you given Ash flowers?"

"That's different. I was in love with you. My dad isn't in love with someone else."

"Yeah, because he's in love with Lisa."

"Alright, drop it!" The boy snapped. He wasn't going to sit here and listen to this. Henry wasn't in love with anyone, period. He would never betray Mom like that. Besides, flowers aren't inherently romantic. Otherwise, they wouldn't be at funerals. Henry sent Lisa flowers out of kindness and sympathy. Why did Violet have to twist it into something it wasn't, especially after they'd found a picture of Diane under Henry's bed?

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