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"If you need anything at all, you call me," Sal instructed Violet in a firm voice. "I don't care what it is, I don't care when, I don't even care if it's 5 minutes after I walked out the door. Call me."

A few days had gone by since the moment of intimacy that he'd shared with Violet. Sal felt off. No matter how he thought about it, his mind was clouded with shame and regret. This couldn't be normal, especially for a teenage boy. He should feel thrilled about what happened. Instead, he felt bad about initiating it, bad about enjoying it, and bad about regretting it. And if he was feeling this way, he couldn't imagine how horrible Violet was doing. 

Initially, he had no intention to disclose the details of he and Violet's intimate life with anyone. It felt disrespectful. On the other hand, he really could've used Larry's insight. After all, Larry had much more experience with girls than he did. Maybe he's had a similar experience.

So, the boys planned to get together in Larry's treehouse after school that day. Without Violet. This would be Sal's first time going off without her since before her father died. It brought him some relief knowing that she'd already planned to go to Todd's for homework help at around the same time, so at least she wouldn't be alone. Still, he couldn't help but worry about her.

"I promise to call you, Sally. But I know I'll be okay," Violet told him with a small smile. 

"I'm just out at Larry's treehouse, so I won't be far," he went on.

"I know. I'll be just fine."

"Alright, alright. I know you will. I just worry, that's all."

Violet tilted her head upwards and pecked the nose of his prosthetic. "I love you, Sally. Go have fun with Larry. I'll be with Todd."

"I love you too. See you soon, my love."

> > >

Sal told Larry everything, sparing as many unnecessary details as he could to protect Violet's privacy. This alone brought him some degree of relief. Larry didn't say a word until he was finished, though he couldn't wipe the triumphant grin from his face. His best friend had just reach a major milestone, after all.

"Your tone is pretty glum for someone who just fingered a girl for his first time," he finally commented. "Did she not like it or something?"

"N-No, it's not that. I guess I'm not sure if I should've done that."

"Why not?"

Sal let out a sigh. "We weren't even dating for a full 24 hours at the time. I dunno, it kinda feels like I took advantage of her."

"Did you ask her before you did stuff like I told you to?"

After Sal had come to him asking for tips on kissing, Larry took it upon himself to offer advice on other topics, particularly sex. It was better that Sal obtained it from him rather than some corny internet blog or even pornography. That was all junk. He wasn't going to let his best friend learn that the hard way like he did, even if that meant giving him tips that he didn't ask for (or seem to want). 

The topic of sex always seemed to make Sal uncomfortable, even now. He may not have talked about it, but Larry knew that this was because he never saw himself being intimate with a girl. The information felt useless to him. Not to mention that the thought of nobody ever loving him enough to have sex with him was extremely disheartening.

Sal sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, feeling blood rush to his cheeks. "W-Well, yeah. I did."

"And she said yes?"

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