E l e v e n

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"Alright, little dude," Larry started, "looks like all the teachers are in the lounge eating lunch. We'll have to sneak by to get into the principal's office."

Preceding the door to the principal's office was a long window, through which the teachers would certainly see Larry and Violet walking past if they weren't careful. This wouldn't be an issue if their destination wasn't the very last room on this side of the hallway. It wasn't like they could lie and say they were going somewhere else.

"I could crawl?" Violet suggested in an unsure tone.

"Nah, the window goes too low to the floor. We need to find a way to make sure none of them are looking this way."

"A distraction..." She trailed off for a moment, peering into the lounge from where she was standing without being seen. All of the teachers were at a large table together. However, another window was built into the wall opposite of the one inside. From what she could see, this window overlooked the courtyard. "There. The other window."

"You think something out there will distract her?" Larry questioned.

She reached into her pocket, retrieving her cell phone. "Someone will."


Violet: 12:34 PM
Can you do us a favor?

Sal: 12:34 PM
what's up? u guys ok???

Violet: 12:35 PM
We're okay. We need you to go out to the courtyard and create a distraction for us.

Sal: 12:36 PM
what kind of distraction??

Violet: 12:37 PM
Something that will make the teachers look out of that window and away from us. They're all in the lounge for lunch :(

Sal: 12:37 PM
damn i forgot about that. i'll see what i can do <3

Violet: 12:38 PM
Thank you! I love you!

Sal: 12:39 PM
i love you too

Sal: 12:46 PM
i have an idea. get ready!!!

End of Messages

Violet dug her heels into the floor, ready to break into a sprint at any moment. Her eyes were glued to the door of the principal's office. 

"There he is," Larry whispered. "He has something in his hand."

Without warning, Sal chucked whatever he was holding at the window of the lounge, producing a thud so loud that the two could hear it from inside. Every head in that room turned to look for the source. Sal managed to duck out of the way just in time.

Making haste, Violet darted past the window as fast as her legs could take her. She shoved the door open and immediately scanned the room. Fortunately, a box of files sat right on top of the bookshelf that was wedged in the corner. 

"What was that?"

"Did you hear that?"

"What the hell?"

Several confused voices came from the room next door. Violet listened intently as she rummaged through the folders, her hands shaking from both the thrill and intense pressure of the circumstance. Finally, her eyes landed on a tab reading "Yazzie, Kim". She pulled it out and opened it, only to find a single piece of paper.

Formidable // Sally Face (2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz