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[in my au, tokitou and tomioka have a found-sibling relationship. this is important for later <3]


Muzan's POV; [short, again TvT]

My blood ran cold when Muichirou gave me the news. Kokushibou is.. working under.. Yoriichi..? I thought in horror. Curling my hands into fists, I let out a growl and shook my head. He wouldn't betray me like that. Kokushibou is my most loyal demon.

" You're lying to me, " I growled at Muichirou through my teeth. The young Pillar shook his head. " Yoriichi is back here. He's on your side, and he's taken control of Kokushibou. " He told me. I stepped threateningly toward him, narrowing my eyes. " Listen here, you pint-sized freak of nature, " I hissed. " Kokushibou would never betray me for that sun-breathing bastard. "


Muichirou's POV;

Are you kidding me? For his rank as the Demon King, Muzan's pretty stupid. I thought irritably.

" He would, and he's doing it right now. " I answered. Fear swelled in my chest as icy flames flickered in Muzan's eyes, and he stepped closer to me. I tensed my body, preparing to run if he attacked. I can't let myself die.. yet.. what choice do I have..?

" You little lying brat.. " Muzan growled. I gulped and backed away, but before I could run, pain shot through my body from my neck. I dropped to my knees, coughing loudly. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Is he turning me into a demon again?! No!

The pain in my body suddenly dulled. I felt nothing but a strange sense of peace. My vision blurred, and tears stung my eyes. I'm dying, aren't I? He didn't turn me into a demon; he's killing me.

I suddenly felt strong but shaky arms wrap around my body; one under my back, one covering the wound on my neck. One quiet voice spoke, shaky and horrified.

" Tokitou..! Tokitou, come on.. fight.. you can't leave us yet..! Please, buddy.. " I recognized Tomioka's voice. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

" An.. i... ki.. " I choked out, forcing my hazy vision to focus on the Water Pillar. Tears stained his face. Desperation glimmered in his deep blue eyes. I gripped his arm tight. " I'm scared.. I don't.. wanna.. die.. "

" Shh, you'll be okay. Aniki won't let you die. I'll find a way.. "

Tomioka's voice faded away as the last of life ebbed out of my body.

I shut my eyes and let out my final breath.

Suddenly, I found myself in a misty field. In front of me stood a body I vividly recognized. " Brother.. " I breathed.

[for context to make this make sense, mui was trying to get muzan angry at koku to distract him and the other uppermoons so that tomioka and kochou could escape. also , this bit is very heavily based on the manga. I apologize.]

" Stay away! Go back! " He spat at me. I flinched. " Why..? I tried so hard.. You're not even proud of me? "

" Why? That's what I want to know! " He yelled. " You should've run! You're only fourteen! "

" I couldn't just abandon my friends and run. " I mumbled.

" But you wouldn't have gone and died! Why were you even born then?! I don't know, do you?! What's the point in dying in a place like this?! It's a meaningless death! " Yuichirou spat.

" You died at eleven! You're way more pathetic than I am! 'Why was I born?' I know exactly why I was born. I.. was born to be happy! Weren't you? No? Weren't you happy? You didn't have a single happy moment? I was happy! When the four of us lived together as a family... once I was alone, there was a lot of pain and hard times, but... I made friends. I had fun. I was able to smile again. The moments I was happy uncountable! That was pointless? I never ran from anything, so I faced everything. I'm not going to regret laying dow my life for my friends. Don't call it a meaningless death. Other people can say what they want. But I don't want my brother to say something like that! " I sobbed, taking a gasp of air.

" I'm sorry.. I get it. But I.. I didn't want you to die, Muichirou.. anyone but you.. " Yuichirou sobbed, running forward and burying his face in my neck as he hugged me. I hugged him back, tears running down my face as I rested my chin on his head.


Giyuu's POV;

" Tokitou..! " I screamed, staring down in horror at the dead body in my hands. I looked up at Kibutsuji, realizing with grim amusement that Tokitou had been right. He did look like a divorced American father.

I swallowed back choked sobs as I screamed, " you monster! He was just trying to tell you about a traitor in your midst! "

Muzan waved his hand, and before I knew it, I was being dragged out by my collar by Akaza. I coughed, holding Tokitou's body tight.

Akaza threw me in his room, and I rolled with my back on the ground,  keeping Tokitou's fragile dead body safe.

" You're an idiot, " Akaza hissed, " for yelling at Lord Muzan like that. "

I rolled my eyes at him. " I don't care. Tokitou didn't need to die. He was telling the truth. " I spat.

" You know nothing about Kokushibou. He's the closest to Lord Muzan of all of us. " Akaza growled. Before I could reply, he whipped around and stalked out of the room. Kochou came in a few moments later and kneeled besidewhre I'd gently set Tokitou's body down. Her smile had faded, replaced by a grim frown. Tears sparkled in her eyes. " He was bold, standing up to Kibutsuji like that. May he find peace in the stars, reunited with those he loved and lost. " She murmured.

I shifted closer to her, and both of us sat in grim silence, grieving the fallen Pillar.



that will not be the last of mui, I promise. he always comes back.

anygays, word count; 1000.

Disrupted Flow. || Kokuzan // Kokudou.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ