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[ planning an ending.. and yall will probably hate it <3 ]


Kokushibou's POV;

I stalked through the bushes in a forest, my eyes falling on a certain Demon Slayer. All alone, staring at the sky, completely unaware. Narrowing my eyes, I recognized Tanjirou Kamado.

Adrenaline rushed through my veins. I rushed toward the young Slayer and grabbed him, dragging him off. I paused when I heard screaming and pursuing footsteps.

Glancing back, I saw two other young Slayers. I have to finish this quickly. I thought. I unsheathed my katana and sliced through Tanjirou's neck, severing his head from his body.

His friend's shrieks grew louder and horror-filled, but before they could stand to fight me, I dashed away, holding Tanjirou's head in my hand.

Lord Muzan will be so pleased! I've got the kid's head, just like he asked..!

A small smile grew on my face as I darted into a space to wait until sunrise, when Nakime would summon all Uppermoons back into the Infinity Castle.

[timeskip brought to you by the dusty yarnball I lost 2 years ago <3]

As the sun rose, I heard the familiar sound that brought me back to the place I now considered home.

Tanjirou's head in my hands, I headed directly for Kibutsuji's study. I knocked lightly on the door, my skin twitching with excitement.

As Kibutsuji opened the door, he ran his gaze over me, and his eyes widened. " You actually got his head.. " He mumbled. I nodded, feeling weirdly excited.

Kibutsuji began to cackle maniacally. " Oh, Kokushibou! I really made a good decision making you Uppermoon One! "

I grinned widely. " Thank you.. Lord Muzan. " I held the head out for him to grab. He took it from my hands, gesturing for me to come inside.

As I stepped into the room, Kibutsuji closed the door behind me. He set Tanjirou's head on a stand, then turned back to me, grinning mischeviously. " Oh, Kokushibou.. I think you deserve a reward. " His grin grew as he stepped toward me. I knew what he wanted. And I had to admit, I wanted it, too.

" Would you like that? " He asked. I nodded once. That was all he needed. He threw me against the wall and knelt in front of me, his red eyes burning with built-up lust.

[warning; heavy smut beyond this point. skip or proceed with caution.]

Without a moment of hesitation, Kibutsuji tore my kimono off my body, discarding it for the time being. He traced my body with one finger, being gentle around my scar.

I blinked at him, wishing he'd get on with what he wanted to do. He seemed to read my eyes or something, because he smirked at me and tugged at the hem of my pants. I appreciated the fact that as menacing as Kibutsuji could be, he wasn't a rapist.

I gave him a nod, and he removed my pants and boxers, leaving me feeling exposed. He threw my bottoms in the same spot as my haori, then winked at me.

I wondered for a second what he was gonna do. But then he removed his clothing, leaving himself as naked as I was. My face heated up as he aligned himself, and then lowered himself on my dick. I covered my mouth with one hand as he began to bounce.

Kibutsuji grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my mouth, his smirk growing as he sped up his bouncing. I narrowed my eyes, biting my tongue to stop any sounds from coming out.

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