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[ fluffy chapter bcs this story's been all angst- ]


3rd Person POV;

Tanjirou blinked open his eyes, wincing at the bright light that flooded his vision as he did so.

He looked around, mesmerized by the misty field he found himself in. Tears filled his eyes as he recalled what'd happened.

Those tears fell as he heard young, familiar voices screaming, " onii-chan! Onii-chan! "

A moment later, he was greeted by smiling, sobbing children knocking him onto his back. His baby siblings.

Tanjirou wrapped his arms around his siblings, feeling lightheaded with grief. " Onii-chan, we missed you so much..! " Hanako sobbed. Takeo punched his elder brother's chest repeatedly, but lightly. Shigeru gripped Tanjirou's arm and wailed. Rokuta curled up on his oldest brother's stomach. Tanjirou sat up, cradling Rokuta in his one arm as he hugged Shigeru with the other.

" I missed you all too.. " Tanjirou's voice broke. " So, so much. "

Tanjirou looked up as he heard footsteps , and smelled familiar scents wafting toward him. His siblings backed off as Tanjurou appeared, his face as soft and warm as it had always been. Tanjirou jumped to his feet and ran into his father's loving arms, uncontrollable tears staining his face.

" Father..! " Tanjirou sobbed, wrapping his arms around his father. " I missed you so much..! "

Tanjurou hugged his eldest son tight. " I missed you too, Tanjirou. "

Tanjirou leaned against his father, wishing he could stay there forever, wrapped in the safe, warm arms he'd known since childhood. But another familiar scent wafted toward him, followed by a gentle voice. " Tanjirou, my son.. I've missed you so dearly. "

Tanjirou broke away from his father and looked over, nearly falling into his mother's arms. Kie hugged her son tight, tears rolling down her face.

" Mom..! " Tanjirou sobbed. " I'm here, baby.. " Kie whispered, rubbing Tanjirou's back. " Mama's right here. You're alright now. "

Tanjirou leaned against his mother a moment longer, rocking side to side with her before he paused. " It's great that we're all together again.. " He began, " But what about Nezuko? She's all alone now.. " Tanjirou stared regretfully at the ground.

Tanjurou put a hand on his son's shoulder. " Nezuko will be alright. I promise. She has all her friends still. " He whispered.

Tanjirou sighed. " You're right. " He smiled. " I trust them to take care of her. "

" Tanjirou! " A voice reached Tanjirou's ears. Tanjirou whipped around, eyes widening in horror as he recognized Muichirou.

" M- Muichirou-kun-! What are you doing here..?! " Tanjirou asked, rushing toward his friend. Muichirou just shrugged. " Kibutsuji killed me for telling him the truth. What about you? " He blinked up at Tanjirou.

Tanjirou sighed, tracing his neck with one finger gently. To his mingled surprise and disgust, he felt a thin ring where his neck had been sliced through. Muichirou frowned. " Who did it? " he asked.

Tanjirou gulped. " Some demon with six eyes and a purple and black kimono.. " He answered. Muichirou gasped. " Kokushibou! "

" What? " Tanjirou blinked at his short friend. " Kokushibou is Uppermoon One, and Kibutsuji's lover apparently. " Muichirou answered.

" Lover?! " Tanjirou's eyes widened. Muichirou nodded. Tanjirou pinched the bridge of his nose. " Wow.. " He muttered.

" Right? " Muichirou crossed his arms and yawned. Then Tanjirou remembered something. " Do you know how Giyuu-san is doing? " He blinked anxiously at Muichirou, who nodded. " He's okay, but he's grieving. He misses the other Pillars, and he said he misses you and Nezuko.. "

" Wait till he finds out I died.. " Tanjirou stared at the ground guiltily. Muichirou must have noticed, because he grabbed Tanjirou's wrists and shook his arms. " It's not your fault. You can't control a demon. "

Tanjirou sighed. " I know. But.. I feel so bad for leaving him behind.. "

Muichirou wrapped Tanjirou in a loose hug. " I feel bad, too. In fact, he was holding me when I died. But there's a way we can still be there for them. "

Tanjirou returned the loose hug, then blinked at his younger friend in surprise. " We can? " He asked. Muichirou nodded. " Not physically, but spiritually. " he replied.

Tanjirou seemed intrigued. " Okay. Show me. "

Muichirou grinned and grabbed Tanjirou's wrist. " Let's go. "


shorter Fluff chapter :D

most filler, sorry-

I just thought yall could use some Fluff:)

word count; 700.

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